I love, when from time to time I can go full Asmongold. (Still only 10 days.)

@LukeAlmighty even with a job i manage 100 to 120h a week when i get addicted to a game (though i don't get to sleep much)

@Shinobufag @LukeAlmighty you guys are crazy, even with how invested I was in FF16 it still took me 3 months to beat it
I think I just have a lot of things I really enjoy doing and so gaming only gets like 20 hrs a week max.

@beardalaxy @LukeAlmighty it's pretty rare that i get addicted to a game to this level, for XVI I played 85h in a week iirc

@Shinobufag @LukeAlmighty damn that still is like unthinkable for me lol. Have you played the DLCs and are they worth playing?

@beardalaxy @LukeAlmighty Worth playing yes, gameplay wise they're a cut above the base game and I found them pretty fun. Music wise the DLC adds 2 of my favorite tracks. Worth paying idk I bought a PS5 for that game so I don't think I can answer that lol.

@Shinobufag @LukeAlmighty I would have if I had the money for it. Glad it ended up coming to pc.

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