I am sorry, but I am going to watch Destiny again.

Because I really want to see the coping.


@Jens_Rasmussen @LukeAlmighty i can't say that luke being a link to destiny is a service anyone needs, but may as well take advantage of it

@beardalaxy @Jens_Rasmussen
But so far, he just rages, that Joe dared to talk about recent topics instead of talking about a topic, that is literally 8 years old new already (Cambrige analitica).

But, why talk about it? in the last 8 years, people already got used to the existence of Big data.

@LukeAlmighty @beardalaxy What's the topic here? Zuck on Joe Rogan? That was days ago!

@Jens_Rasmussen @beardalaxy
> While the Biden White House's pressure campaign largery succeded, it's effects were devastating.

Destiny: This sentence doesn't make sense.

His inteligence seriously knows no bounds. :omegalul:

@LukeAlmighty @beardalaxy Is that a quote from Zuckerberg regarding censorship on Facebook?
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