@wowaname the website has like nothing on it right now so it won't matter
@wowaname obviously because it's not finished?
why do you take this so personally? Just ignore the warning, no need to be a massive prick.
@wowaname using JavaScript is not in-and-of-itself "anti-user", you're being a massive whiny faggot. People like you are why "free software" is not taken seriously. Go be an unlikable shitstain somewhere else.
@wowaname @bonkmaykr Does this mean that I should stop using JavaScript to load navigation bars?
@wowaname @bonkmaykr I'm talking about having a JavaScript file for writing the links for the sites navigation. So I can just edit the JS file instead of each page.
I know you could also do that with server-side scripting or a static-site generator, but sometimes I just want to get things done and have it run on any webserver.
>ignore the warning
nah, i'll do fine shoveling your body into the same pit of hell designated to all other webshits and pajeets with your anti-user mentality.