
And so, the 1000 years AI art war begins.

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@hideki I'm curious how they intend to prove that something is ML art or *not* ML art without the poster explicitly stating it.

@wildgoose maybe taking a stance matters more than the rule itself, but AI art CAN be spotted if you look closely, at least for now.

@hideki okay I gotta admit, AI copying artist signatures is a bad thing.

I also don't think that websites made for sharing art should allow fully AI generated stuff

@rhyse @hideki Furries love copyright almost as much as Disney.
@book @hideki unless its nft copyright. I still don't understand the raw hatred and vitriol towards them.
in unrelated news, i predict this is the last year furaffinity was relevant
i guess so. around september they made some big stink about AI.
@fluffy @hideki dragoneer is fat and coasting on the fact there's no mainstream nsfw art site besides ng
of course FA would be against AI which enables ordinary untrained people to create fantastic and beautiful art. 99% of the posts on there are ads and often ads to make minor permutations to the same image.
i have high hopes for what AI will do for the art community. among other things i hope it drives out the untalented hacks who make art i don't like
@fluffy @PhenomX6 @hideki So there's like a debate about AI art?

All I have to say about that is that machines will make us obsolete, deal with it.

Just make sure they serve us. Cus otherwise oh boy, extinct.
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