Who would have thought that stock that's already at all time high would fucking double

@matrix my crypto stayed untouched during the 2 big spikes in crypto prices.
@matrix that would be rather funny. Imagine that, all the insider trading and shit going on isn't a problem but people associating to coordinate their actions in a way like, uh, hm, what's it, ah, yes, a hedge fund.

@cereal @matrix oh wow. I throw on CNBC and that's all they're talking about.

also, lol@widevine

@cereal @matrix So... if I understand this correctly:
Neckbeards on Reddit, with disposable income, can band together and decimate investment firms, along with the banks and corporations that employ their services... for the lulz?

Praise Kek!
This will be the true clown decade! :clown_turtle:
@SystemSock @matrix to some degree, I think that about sums it up.
Naturally, with nuance, that only happens to firms that get ahead of themselves and take more risk than they can bear. I personally wouldn't mind that happening to some of those speculation based funds. A "natural" way to rein in the wildly out of place financial markets, away from heavy handed regulation. Plus, a signal that people, freely associated, can, will and should take part in plotting the course of their societies.
@LukeAlmighty @matrix @cereal @SystemSock
I can't recall but it's probably from some tv series like CSI or similar.
@cereal @matrix
The problem was that this was people that Wall-Street insiders label "muppets" coordinating in thinly veiled vernacular on Reddit.
It's almost like the government working against Trump's supporters to protect their carrers.
Looks like that YOLO scared Wall Street.
$GME certainly was Occupy 2.0
@matrix Melvin and Cintron were just the tip of the iceBERG. There are many, many other shorts scrambling to cover, and if the WSB guys are telling their brokers to not make the long GSE stonk that they're hodling available for the short float . . . well, it could hit the thousands pretty quickly
>hate speech
It's not about hate speech in reality, is it?
@Julia @matrix
Everyone knows it's because Wall Street hedge-funds was losing to retail investors.

Even if I were to believe that, it ultimately means nothing, or are you going to tell me that it is just pure coincidence that they got banned now.

-Trading in a pandemic
I sleep.
-Edgy internet buois win in the stock market
Real shit !

@matrix yeah r/WallStreerBets members just started buying it for no reason and it rised like shit

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