Is it worth it making a ZFS partition with compression for Postgres in order to save space? I assume since it's mostly text it should compress fairly well.
Or is there a better FS for compression?

@matrix block size plays a huge role in this as well.
It really depends on your use case.
How big is your database?


dayum, disk space is super expensive with my discount VPS, what are you using for hosting?


@matrix @ademan @sjw yes, but it's nice knowing that if someone is gonna be pulling the rug from underneath my instance, it won't be buyvm. Also I think it's the best deal if you're planning to remain a small instance, and any future needs will be for more storage.

@lewdthewides @sjw @ademan Oh no, I didn't mean to say BuyVM is expensive or bad. It's actually really cheap, especially if you consider the hardware they have and how they divide it up. I simply meant that as storage needs grow, costs grow significantly.


If people didn't do that you wouldn't have an instance to join
@sjw @lewdthewides @ademan

@miria @sjw @matrix @ademan @EnjuAihara >I have a password on my root account. No admin at the VPS service will be able to look through my upload folder!

Oh please I hope y'all are that retarded
@lewdthewides @sjw @matrix @miria @ademan @EnjuAihara hmmm yes let me just mount the gearlandia vmdk to a throwaway machine and.... yep, full rw access lmfao
@sapphire @sjw @matrix @miria @ademan @EnjuAihara sshhh don't tell them that encrypted partitions aren't bulletproof either when you can snapshot the memory from the hypervisor
@lewdthewides @sjw @matrix @miria @ademan @EnjuAihara also don't tell them that if ANYONE on their host does shady shit the FBI rips the entire virtual host and then prosecutes anyone they find with shady shit (source: babysat the FBI while they ripped an entire VM provider's infrastructure during a "power event")
@lewdthewides @sjw @matrix @miria @ademan @EnjuAihara it took them 6 hours to manually image the disks when I was party to it, less if you’re on SSD
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