@sjw It's not that big. It's 76974356 statuses over 3 years indexed with rum.
I don't really wanna spend more money so I want to better utilize the space I have.
It would probably make sense for that setup to put WAL on a separate drive.
if someone is gonna be pulling the rug from underneath my instance, it won’t be buyvm
Can you elaborate? Are they free speech absolutists or something?
TBH their pricing looks pretty similar to my host, though mine’s more generous with CPU.
@ademan @sjw @lewdthewides Yeah, BuyVM is pretty hands off. Daily Stormer even used them as a proxy.
who tf is francisco? missing some lore here
is colocrossing pozzed? I mean we’re pretty mild over here but I don’t want to run any unnecessary risks… maybe I’ll start a more resilient instance this year now that I know some things to look out for, I think .social was a mistake, and I’ll make sure to avoid colocrossing…
nvm, finished the thread, Francisco seems like a pretty cool guy eh remains neutral on his customers and doesn’t afraid of anythin
@Moon make her yours and put her in a qipao
@ademan @sjw @matrix @lewdthewides @Moon
Why not?
As long as it's all in my head, I don't see the problem XD
@lewdthewides @sjw @ademan Oh no, I didn't mean to say BuyVM is expensive or bad. It's actually really cheap, especially if you consider the hardware they have and how they divide it up. I simply meant that as storage needs grow, costs grow significantly.
If people didn't do that you wouldn't have an instance to join
@sjw @lewdthewides @ademan
I'd still say you're better off with a writeback cache on XFS.
Here's a video that explains it:
Basically, you just make a partition on NVME drive, and set it to be a writeback cache. You'll read and write to the NVME and it'll be lazily synced back to the slab.
A disadvantage is a drive failure of the cache drive will almost always result in data loss. NVME is RAID 10 tho so no real worries there.