@matrix reminds me of a twitch streamer trying to run an "anarchy" minecraft server. i made a swastika anyway and a mod saw it, it's my god-given right

Off topic, are bot signups a thing in Mastodon?

@matrix Mark spent billions just to make a VRChat with Facebook telemetry.
That's hilarious :blobcatgoogly:

"video chat does not give you the same level of anonymity".

Bruh... You're talking about Facebook. What kind of green drug was he taking?

oh. now it makes sense.

@LukeAlmighty He's technically right, but like you said, it's Facebook

@matrix @matrix Too bad a possible "fedi-metaverse" would be a mess to develop.
@matrix @matrix Not everyone has or will be using VR. Plus getting it all to run on only FOSS software is impossible since most of the current VR drivers don't work or partially work.

@berkberkman Oh that's true. I didn't consider that. I was just think about the server architecture.

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