@tn5421 Show me the child raped
@matrix sounds based
@moth_ball The animation because bit more static after the movie, however entire Monogatari series is worth watching even though I have a feeling I'm missing a part of it by not knowing Japanese
@moth_ball *becomes
@matrix "unripened fruit"
@LucoaMilkers I'm working on it. Just the subs in the files I have are fucky.
@matrix as long as the production and consumption of whatever you like doesn't directly affects anyone in a negative way then nobody has the right to judge you, this is basically how humanity evades unnecessary conflict, to bad people on the internet likes to make unnecessary drama, if you dont like something then don't watch it, it's as easy as that, or do you need approval from other people to be sure you are right instead of using logic and reasoning.
The episode 4 is misinterpreted. Hanekawa is just patting Hajikuji on the head