The episode 4 is misinterpreted. Hanekawa is just patting Hajikuji on the head :omegalul:

Mastodon fucked it somehow. The file is 10:09 and here it's 7:30

@matrix average pedophile mad that his favorite child raping hobby is not available in a way that doesn't hurt children
@tn5421 @matrix Crazy how one letter changes the entire meaning of that sentence, I was about to tear you a new one haha

@moth_ball The animation because bit more static after the movie, however entire Monogatari series is worth watching even though I have a feeling I'm missing a part of it by not knowing Japanese

@matrix @matrix >soy elemental tries to document cases of heresy
>inadvertently helps create Bakemonogatari best moments compilation
@matrix Computer, there's a montage I need you to make

@LucoaMilkers I'm working on it. Just the subs in the files I have are fucky.

@matrix @matrix who the fuck would drop an animu because it had fan service?
I don't even like lolinogs but damn seething at fanservice because 'SHES ONLY 17 YEARS AND 364 DAYS OLD YOU GODDAMN PEDOOOO' is the most retarded reason ever. Do they really think people evolve like pokemon once they reach their 18th birthday?
@satanasur anime characters aren't real so their age is arbitrary and has no real value
Eh...tbh I don't think it really even matters, nor do I specifically want to argoo over the specifics of lolifag copes. My point was that contrary to what many believe the purpose of AoC laws irl is to avoid power aboos not because law makers think "ITS LITERALLY PEDOPHILIA!!!!" and its incredibly retarded to see people like these mentally cuck themselves to seethe at fanservice because they are oversoycialized to the point of being so traumatized at the prospect of being attracted to some fictional character that might be one day younger than 18. The same reason they seethe at 25 year old jap models - "This girl looks younger than that 17 year old girl next door to mine who has a steady diet of booze and fast food everyday so this definitely mean only pedos find her attractive".
@sjw @matrix what kind of retard doesn't know anime has fan service
@matrix Imagine getting this pressed about sexualization in a fucking ecchi anime. Lmao.
@matrix huum excuse me? you dont understand I HAVE to watch monogatari its so popular I HAVE to watch it like no it doesn't matter that i think its cp and promoting child exploitation because ITS POPULAR and NO I can't just "watch another anime" or get a hobby without lolis out of the billions that exist cuz I HAVE to watch the pedo one so I can be IN THE COOL KIDS (lolicon) CLUB but i'm not like those lolicon weirdos okay? and no it doesnt matter that the anime is 90% fanservice half of which is with 3 lolis no that doesnt matter I can still like it for other reasons (no im not gonna tell you what those reasons are) actually the anime is satire making fun of you so cry about it you dirty lolicon perverts!!
(some videos the satire in question)
Amazing Loli Facts - 📌 _ [Welcome!] > Thread of threads < _ #Lolitwt [1504036747189096454].mp4
madladL 🔞 - Araragi using Hachikuji in the primary and proper way you should. #monogatari #Satire [1488345408506060801].mp4

@smugumin @matrix as someone who is apparently a "zoomer", I can tell you that I don't believe on shitting on people on the Internet.

@smugumin @matrix wait. This is social media. I just commented on a conversation between two people that shouldn't involve me at all.

@smugumin @matrix its not a lolicon anime, but its not satiric, its just regular comedic, streat brawling a 10 year old, kicked in the face by a 12 year old, donut disputes with a 7 year old
@matrix "I made an excel sheet for all the lewd fanservice moments, with timestamps. Uh. For you to skip them I mean. Yeah."

"Thank you for this, I shall absolutely be sure to not watch the parts of this that are timestamped repeatedly."

:smug1: Read between the lines bro.
@matrix There was a creepy amount of scenes in that show, I dropped it pretty soon. But love that he skimmed the show again to timestamp it to "skip it" lmao. Lolicons/trannies/pedos, all passengers on the same boat
@matrix i've been watching Bakemonogatari and the ecchi is a core part of the anime lmao, cutting that out removes a ton of emotional context. what a bunch of retards.

@matrix as long as the production and consumption of whatever you like doesn't directly affects anyone in a negative way then nobody has the right to judge you, this is basically how humanity evades unnecessary conflict, to bad people on the internet likes to make unnecessary drama, if you dont like something then don't watch it, it's as easy as that, or do you need approval from other people to be sure you are right instead of using logic and reasoning.

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