
Conservatives are gonna whine about loli now :pepeDread:

@matrix >Do you support free speech right?
>So then you support loli art?
>So then you don't actually support free speech?

A classic conservative tale.
@rude @matrix Pornography isn’t speech, you dumb fucking retard.

>implying there isn't a perpetual inundation of whining about lolis

After a while you just kind of ignore it.

You know, kind of like how there's nobody picketing gore hentai or snuff hentai.

Killing people for sex is fine, as long as they're adults; just don't draw children.

They don't know how dumb they sound, and I'm not going to tell them.

@PhenomX6 @fluffy Yeah, probably better to say increase their whining

@matrix figured the pearl-clutching would lead to this eventually.
@matrix ttrannies have claimed cunny for themselves :itsover:
@mia @matrix @bless i can't masturbate to loli cunny now without people thinking i'm trans, and you're laughing. instead of being labeled a pedophile i'll be labeled a transgender and YOU'RE LAUGHING

>Theater kid becomes cuckservative YouTube celeb
>"Discovers" Loli
Thanks for the advertising, anyway

@matrix You mean like how they cried about anime before in the 1990s because it gave American kids something to be excited about?
@matrix can't wait for this to trickle down to my mom somehow and have her ask me if I know what "loli" is at dinner

@deprecated_ii @matrix say u got no idea while casually viewing these images on the phone and letting her catch a glimpse

@matrix conservatives try not to fumble the bag challenge (impsooble)
@matrix There is 100% a lolicon to trans pipeline and if you don’t believe me you should (not actually) go to some of the adjacent federated instances and check out the bios.

@Punished_Potatus @matrix there are armies of anti-tranny lolis, particularly in this neck of the woods. a square is a rectangle, but not every rectangle is a square.

trannies probably like loli because they wish they could be a cute girl. that will never happen.

@beardalaxy @matrix Yes, I’m aware of plenty of Nazis with anime pfp. But when you hit that toddlercon it’s 100% Antifa. Also, Ukrainians.

@Punished_Potatus "They're putting chemicals in the cunny to make the YouTubers trans."

(Forgot to add the, lolis/pedos get the rope disclaimer)
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