Spending 70h on a game is a long time though
@r000t That a lot, but games like Dota, CSGO, LoL etc constantly change, plus since you are playing against other players the variance between matches is bigger compared to playing with bots
> Spending 70h on a game is a long time though
I don't believe you believe that :D
@LukeAlmighty Well, I should have added "again".
I don't think it's a long time for a game like Cyberpunk, Witcher, KCD, it's worth it. However I do think it's a lot of time to do it again, I just can't bring myself to spend the time when like 90% of the experience is gonna be the same.
@matrix I've played just over 6,000 games on my current League account I've had since 2018.
A League match can last anywhere from 15-40 minutes. Assuming 20 minutes per game we get a conservative estimate of 2,000 hours, or two AOL free trials.