Fuck, the new trends feature requires manual approval of trends. Fucking Gargamel

@matrix Sounds like something he would do… Trying to please the woke leftist crowd with decentralized social media was a mistake, and yet he leans into it. He is trying to make Twitter 2.0, but he jumped too early on that train. People are migrating to Threads and Bluesky Social like the morons they always were. sigh

@matrix he had to please his audience of mentally ill harpy idea guys

@matrix that's ass. it requires it? guess there's a new daily task of selecting all the trends and approving them xD

i see you can also have links and posts marked as trending now too. wonder what that does.

thanks for updating anyway :)

@beardalaxy don't do it yet, I need some untouched ones
tomorrow I'm going to try changing it, I've looked at it and it shouldn't be difficult

I could also update to v4 as that supposedly has the option to auto approve but I really don't want to because I don't like the new public UI

@beardalaxy Hopefully all new trending posts and tags should be approved by default

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