Gameplay - bland
Story - bland outside of the main line. Most sidequests are just shooting galleries. Although, some missions do expand on characters.
Graphics - HOLY FUCK

I guess, I'm just salty, that it claims to be an RPG, but there is no chance for roleplay. The world feels way too empty to me.


@LukeAlmighty The gameplay is pretty fun, but I guess it depends what you play with. As just a shooter it doesn't do that well. You need to play with power weapons or melee in combination with augments imo.
The quests I absolutely agree. The story and the bigger side quests are great, but lot of other side quests are either just shooting, abruptly cut off or never followed up despite needing it.
I agree I do feel a slight weird taste in my mouth from the very limited amount of roleplaying and wasted potential.
Technically and world design holly fuck.

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