I haven't played any of them but TOTK seems to be the GOTY


Alan Wake 2 had the coolest design choices from what I watched (excluding the diversity hire)

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Dredge looks cool even if it's one of those cringly inspired by Lovecraft games

Aren't these all PS VR games?
Resindet Evil in VR seems fun

Dead Island 2 is more of a Dead Island so I'm going with that

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@matrix i have literally never seen any of these games

>not gravity circuit
what a fucking joke
@rlier23 @matrix The Game Awards is one of the worst things to ever happen to video games.
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@matrix next you’ll tell us that Dark Souls is an rpg :ablobheadshake:

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@matrix PIZZA TOWER WOOO. I knew this wouldnt get into best indie since its not by a major dev since the best indie catagory is littered with established devs, publishers, and subsidiaries of major devs
@matrix if the game was any good it would win in one of the other categories.
@matrix i would vote for volvano high only because it indirectly birthed snoot game
@matrix It's not even finished yet it sweeps the competition :mmexedab_ow: :mmexedab: :mmexedab_ow: :mmexedab:
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