The very people Robert Mugabe fought so hard to get rid of. Well, I'm glad they found a better home.
@matrix Silence can indicate a lot too compared to what was said earlier.

@mangeurdenuage It's just a funny anecdote around stereotypes, not that deep fam

@LukeAlmighty @mangeurdenuage
I think I get why you think that but neither blacks nor whites would be slaves in this scenario.
Americans do worship niggers, thus him feeling uncomfortable, but that doesn't automatically imply the enslavement of whites is ok.

He simply made a connection in his head based on a very strong meme "blacks pick cotton" and then had it subverted.

Remember that Rufo had a hand in Florida's curriculum around slavery that got leftists super triggered because it didn't frame whites as the source of all evil.

@mangeurdenuage @matrix still better than being skinned alive qnd rape by niggers at this point.
@matrix A family friend started talking about the nice (White) south African family that moved in next to her and said she was surprised they moved so far away from their home, she was also surprised when I told her that they did that because they were fleeing a genocide. South Africa is a massive blindspot for most people.

Also lmao that Mr "based" anti-CRT yellow fever man got uncomfortable at the idea of a White guy lawfully hiring people from Africa, fucking anti-White wimp
I forgot to reply to you about this several days ago. I've found that, generally, people in America get really defensive when I've brought up South Africa. Most people in my social network are dedicated shitlibs, though. It has the vibe of knowing where I'm about to go with it and preempting me from even speaking
@matrix Yeah I get that it's just really stupid and kind of funny still seeing regime propaganda banging around in the head of someone who claims to fight it
@matrix Now imagine if this same scenario had occurred in the 1700's
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