@matrix the 1980s aren't the modern era I guess, movies from that distant era aren't accessible to zoomers

@Moon They aren't on the front page when they open up Netflix so no

@Moon @matrix haven't seen the latest indiana jones movie but I'm a big indiana jones enjoyer.
Indiana jones should've been restarted with a soft reboot and handing the flame to a new actor. Cristal skull tried that but labeouf was a terrible choice and I don't even think he got written into that role even ignoring him fitting the role.
There's a BIG expanded universe to draw from with the TV series and the video games.
Heck, bringing back short round to redeem the racist character by showing him in a serious role he could've been just the right sucessor.
I want to believe there are screenwriters out there that know this but the executive level probably wouldn't let a soft reboot fly because they don't trust the IP without the star power and the only people they could half muster to fit in the big shoes was an industry nepo baby with no interest in the role.
@Moon @matrix did indiana jones every call someone fat cause that basically makes him too problematic for modern audiences
@animeirl @matrix I think they already put a whiny bitch in one of the later movies complaining at him about stealing artifacts
@Moon @matrix hopefully in the new game he will do a land acknowledgement before he enters every temple

@matrix after starfield it will be a literal miracle if the indi game is good

@beardalaxy Ignoring Quake remasters, as those were probably done by a small subteam, their last good game came out in 2017 and their last amazing game came out in 2015. There's like 70% chance it's gonna be bad imho.

@matrix those were done by id. Bethesda as a publishing house is much better than a game developer. Evil Within 2 was outstanding. They also published Hi-fi Rush which I heard was good, haven't played it though.

@matrix it'll probably be decent at least in that case, at least in the gameplay department

@matrix I will fully expect pregnant women diving into combat though xD

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