@matrix He's right.
You get tired of women and tread into the sissy category and before you know it you're holding a seat in Congress
@Hyperhidrosis @matrix You see when you can no longer get hard looking at women it's gods way of telling you. You have enough kids. This is why porn is banned. Source i made it up
@egirlyuumimain @matrix when you no longer get horny looking at girls, you are finally free to objectively look at the world without bias.

That's when you realize most bitches are ugly asf and makeup should be illegal.

Yeah but dude you have to go like watching porn for 20 plus years to be at that point and you have to watch only that.
It’s just impossible even for the most hardcore coomer out there.

The solution are only two:
1.Anon lied
2.this guy transcended humanity.

@Dowito @matrix and if that'll only kick in after I'm a wizard idc anymore, already missed it so no loss

@Cyrillic @matrix
But to become a mage weren’t supposed to stay virgin till 30?

@matrix I've seen this logic before. The Jews use it against their own God all the time. This is Jewish logic!
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