"I'm declaring a coup."
"We are voting that the coup is over."
"Oh okay, sorry."
"We are arresting you now."
"No, you're not."
"Oh okay, sorry."

@matrix you know if it was niggers in the 50s they would have water cannoned their asses out of the fucking way so they could arrest that bitch

@matrix Worst Korea repeatedly going full Nothing Ever Happens. You love to see it.

@matrix I remember a video where someone explains a concept of why nothing ever happens.

To basically summarize.

Because there's so many government and international institutions that they constantly stabilize each other That the bureaucracy will keep growing and expanding constantly over the cracks.

It's the idea of like Roman concrete works and how the water actually reinforces and fills in the decoration of the column overtime reinforcing it.

@Mr_NutterButter @matrix That is true, the "nothing happening" is especially by design with this, Yoon is now either just gone or a lame duck for the rest of his term. I'm entirely convinced of the excuse that Yoon was erroneously led on by his advisors that he could just have a little martial law as a treat to own the leftoids and it wouldn't be a big deal, with the true motive that when it inevitably blew up in his face he'd be reduced from somewhat ineffective as a leader to completely crippled. Now the Minjoo party can do whatever they want to prepare for the next election. Doesn't matter if they drag out the arrest because that will be at the forefront of the news while they continue cooking books elsewhere.

Honestly Yoon killing himself isn't out of the question, a previous Korean President has done it for less. That would be fun, but that would require not-nothing happening...

@matrix Wasn't the culture of South Korea the root cause of mass casualties during the crash of the MV Sewol?

@camedei456 I dunno if I would call it culture, but yeah, it was corruption and nepotism.

>corruption and nepotism
>the United States of TV & Samsung
There's a reason that Korean pop music has always been plastic...
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