@matrix no, no, it's much funnier when they're that way and can be blindsided by any random shit

@matrix "my gen z kids reactions is not wrong"

No, you are wrong. Your gen z kids are fucking retards. The fact the entire generation is retarded doesn't excuse your kids.
@matrix This is what a culture with a zero-tolerance policy for bullying turns out

@TrevorGoodchild @matrix this movie comes off as a major cautionary tale now. maybe it always should have.

It's God, he says you should admit women!

"and negroes" is probably implied. your children will sure enjoy late stage feminism and diversity quotas in a few decades

@matrix Everyone here is focusing on Gen Z being pussies, which is fair, but I find number 1 the most interesting. I think it's good that they see things systemically rather than individualistically, individualism has been a disaster for our people. Is this point related to the other two? Can we raise a generation of group-aware chads or does this way of thinking from an early age make you weak?
@MeBigbrain @matrix It is all about where you draw the lines.

Schools teach you not to trust or rely on your peer. But, deeply instill in you a trust and dependence upon institutions and experts.

This needs to be reversed. Peers you can trust and rely upon have the most value, and experts and institutions should not be trusted or relied upon to what ever extent possible.

This pattern is also true concerning churches.

And, it is poison in both cases.
@hazlin @matrix Words words words, man. Sum it up with vibes.

They're taught to think as a group by being an oppressed class when they should be taught to think of a group by being a pack of hunters or team of militants.
@MeBigbrain @matrix they shouldn't submit to an institution, they should be their own institution.

@MeBigbrain @matrix I think it’s a metaphor for how Z won’t accept anything less than TAV. Very zased.

OP using this format to share an article is the real tragedy here.

Just post a fucking link you underpants on head retard
@matrix I honestly never liked the movie, when made to watch it in school. Perhaps specifically because we were made to watch it in school, but having re-read a summary of the plot, I am sure I would still think the movie is boring and most of the characters as being unrelatable.
@matrix most of what gen x holds up as great is thoroughly unimpressive tbh
@matrix OP, a gen Xer writing for Upworthy, specifically needs a beating with a shovel
@matrix Never saw that one
Looked liked pretentious award bait
>my kids are representative of a whole generation
somebody's got an ego
@matrix I don't believe that gen Z is like this. This must be a gen X or boomer writing this as some sort of political erotica article
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