@picandor if the candidate has to be on-site 100% of the time, how is this remote?
What does the word "remote" even imply in this context? That the employee will receive a remote control for the office air conditioner once he signs the contract?

Of course workers aren't working hard, when half of them are women :omegalul:

Also, I am an ambitious person, but it's seriously hard to get motivated to earn promotions, when you have no kid that you can work to improve their lives.

While Aaron Clarey is not exactly an intellectual, this video contains the current state of discourse.

> "economics does not explain why 1 in 7 men aren't looking for jobs"

@picandor Reminds me of the twats who would turn down my application because I'm not a nigger nor a paki nor a pajeet elegible for H-1B visa for a remote position as a contractor that has no need for visa whatsoever :uzaki_unamused:
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