@picandor all of this shit makes no sense whatsoever

The cow farts are bad apparently, but it just turns out that's actually a natural grass thing, grass rotting has this effect

There's 100% some bullshit push behind it
@coolboymew @picandor
> dont eat cows, its hurting our planet!
> turns out cows themselves hurting planet
Vegans, do you really want this farted future?
@me @picandor not quite the cows, but the grass itself, cows are just expediting the process

@coolboymew@shitposter.club @picandor@gameliberty.club I love when you have these environmental bills/policies and it's always the average joe that most affected.

New York using to much electricity? Hmm should we tell citizens to stop using microwaves and refrigerators, or should we turn off the 80 billion billboard ads in Time Square for like an hr a day???

Yeah fuck it John Peppino needs to sacrifice his hot soup the inconsiderate bastard.

@picandor :cball-uk: It's not slavery if the country is in a trade union with you.
@picandor We used to solve this kind of stuff by bribing the Indian government into sterilizing its people. Where have all our problem solvers gone?
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