
I just tried using Waydroid tonight and have a question for those who are familiar with it. Is it possible to copy text from the host OS into the container ? Basically I installed the Tuta and Protonmail Android apps using Waydroid on FuriOS and tried to copy and paste my login info from my password manager on FuriOS into Tuta and Protonmail in Waydroid but it never pastes. I tried using the onscreen keyboard on my phone as well as using a physical keyboard plugged into the phone.

@publiclewdness Not much of a Waydroid user myself, but (as long as the ports are not firewalled) KDE Connect (maybe paired with Valent, if you prefer GTK on the FuriOS side) should be a way to achieve that without much work.
(Definitely feels like overkill, but worth a try it is.)

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