Apparently my parents can't afford this lovely mini fridge
Can't say I'm surprised lol we ain't rich
@DuchessOfMars Not that apparently 😂 A shame since beyond that all I want is a water bottle haha
I actually don't know what the budget is, my parents have been holding the card kinda closely as far as plans for the next month or so tbh
@meowski @DuchessOfMars Yep. I should probably figure out what my parents' budget is, haha
My roommate is in a worse financial situation than I so he can't contribute much to the mini-fridge, tbh
Mom did rightly point out I should probably get one that can house more than drinks tho, tbh. I'm actually strongly considering getting buckets of ice cream next semester so that would actually be quite helpful.
> envisioning you filling it with beer
Heck no! I go to a Christian college and beer and alcohol are banned, no worries there. And she knows full well of my soda habit, heh heh
> no need for that glass door
Yeah, true. I think it looks cool tho
@meowski @DuchessOfMars True. But none of those are very affordable for us, I don't think.
Funnily enough, my roommate from last year had that $80 one, and that was a problem because I'd buy 12 packs of soda, but not all the cans would fit in the fridge. I'd have to keep the box around for days until I drank the ones that were in the mini fridge.
@meowski @DuchessOfMars I'll look into that
Try getting a real mini fridge. you don't need that glass door.