Apparently my parents can't afford this lovely mini fridge
Can't say I'm surprised lol we ain't rich
@Korsier Cuz when I'm at college I drink soda all the time and I like that stuff cold haha
@realcaseyrollins I thought you lived with your parents. What do you study?
@Korsier I live with my parents, but only during the summer
I'm currently studying IT management
@realcaseyrollins Anything in IT is a good career. Make sure you pick up some technical skills so you know what everyone's talking about.
@Korsier Yep! I'm working on that, I got a friend who got into IT without a degree just by taking a bunch of certs and I wanna try and do some of those either in the winter or next summer
@realcaseyrollins Certs are hard but are a good way to get your foot in the door. Also, just from experience, everybody talks agile but a lot of the projects I've been on are more like "waterjile".
@Korsier "waterjile" haha
@Korsier Do you work in IT? It sounds like you're speaking from experience.
@realcaseyrollins Yeah I'm ancient. Been doing IT for twenty years.
@realcaseyrollins Started with building websites back in the late nineties.
@Korsier Whoa!! That's super cool!! I actually started programming in HTML & JavaScript, moved on to Python, then got into IT
@realcaseyrollins I started with Classic ASP back in the day. Do mostly ASP.NET/MVC/Razor/MMSQL now. Some side projects on PHP/MySQL. And trying to stay up to date with all the JS frameworks.
@Korsier Fancy, fancy! I need to learn PHP sometime
@realcaseyrollins I think PHP is actually pretty good to learn web on because it doesn't try to hide the underlying model with its own abstraction the way .net and some of the other frameworks do, and it's fairly easy to learn. Not as popular as it used to be though.
@Korsier Not as popular, but I'm sure it works! 😎😏
Yeah I hate .NET but I had to do it last year for a class
@realcaseyrollins I like .Net with MVC/Razor, but the older ASPX was over-complicated imho. I spent more time debugging than developing. With PHP you need good code discipline or it's really easy to write spaghetti.
@Korsier Well, I actually do enjoy it when there are specific rules for the code so I would appreciate that!
I started with front end web then PHP my freshman year from my dorm room...not a CS degree, but a Bible focused degree at a fairly small but somewhat well known Christian college. Still no degree in programming or CS, but I now lead a team of software developers and have been doing this full time professionally for a lot of years now.
For me to get past front end, it just took an unwise commitment, before there were platforms to do this, to build an ecommerce website for a record 2 weeks, not having ever done back end development before. Found an open source PHP starting point, and delivered a findings) functional ecommerce website in 2 no sleep, but learned PHP. :)
@SecondJon @realcaseyrollins That's often the best way to learn, just jump in to something. Sure you'll make mistakes, but you'll learn heaps, and your next project will be much better.
Yes, I still find jumping in is a great way to learn new skills.
@Korsier @realcaseyrollins
I try to do it in a way that let's me get sleep now...but still haven't mastered that.
@SecondJon @realcaseyrollins I have a day job to go to so I'm always keeping an eye on that bedtime clock.
@Locksmith @Korsier I drink both, it balances out
@Locksmith @realcaseyrollins Hah isn't that just mountain dew and coca cola and all those energy drinks?
@Korsier @Locksmith No it's La Croix and it sucks 😝
@DuchessOfMars Not that apparently 😂 A shame since beyond that all I want is a water bottle haha
I actually don't know what the budget is, my parents have been holding the card kinda closely as far as plans for the next month or so tbh
@meowski @DuchessOfMars Yep. I should probably figure out what my parents' budget is, haha
My roommate is in a worse financial situation than I so he can't contribute much to the mini-fridge, tbh
Mom did rightly point out I should probably get one that can house more than drinks tho, tbh. I'm actually strongly considering getting buckets of ice cream next semester so that would actually be quite helpful.
> envisioning you filling it with beer
Heck no! I go to a Christian college and beer and alcohol are banned, no worries there. And she knows full well of my soda habit, heh heh
> no need for that glass door
Yeah, true. I think it looks cool tho
@meowski @DuchessOfMars True. But none of those are very affordable for us, I don't think.
Funnily enough, my roommate from last year had that $80 one, and that was a problem because I'd buy 12 packs of soda, but not all the cans would fit in the fridge. I'd have to keep the box around for days until I drank the ones that were in the mini fridge.
@meowski @DuchessOfMars I'll look into that
@Ricotta Nah man I support law and order, I wouldn't loot just cuz others are looting. That's wrong.
@realcaseyrollins Just buy a used one.
@realcaseyrollins Why do you need a mini fridge? lol