Noo. You don't get it.
Superman's stories are so great, because they do delve into the nature of what it is to be a good american man. They aren't just one dimensional power fantasies of a god with literally all the powers author could think of.

He really needed both laser eyes and ice breath, because without it, the planet busting strenght, flight, speed and shooting mini supermans just wouldn't be able to capture the human condition so well.

Ok then... What is the best superman movie then? I would LOVE to finally change my opinion of this """character"""


@LukeAlmighty I like the 1978 one, even if Lex Luthor there is lackluster
but watching movies is a normie way, trve knowledge seekers go straight to the source material, and because western comics are the way they are, this directly depends on your level of various comic book shenanigans tolerance, like, would you like some 40's goodies or 90's-00's ow the edge or 70's complete crack-fueled funsies, or 80's more serious sci-fiery approach
given that you are a star wars nerd, my bet is on the 80's-90's more serious works, but before I start assembling "baby's first Superman" recs I need to know whether I should
besides, there's also the 90's cartoon, it's also good

I was thinking, that from the stories that I know, none is made better by them being about superman. For instance, when I do look at the Snyder movies, then the plot of the first one (intensely trying to be a character movie) with a plot of a person deciding on revealing his secret, while people around him suffer because of it..... was actually 20 times better, when it wasn't about him, but was about Raven instead ;D

Either way, I guess I haven't seen the 1978 in a while. Thanks for recomendation. I don't feel like attacking the guy too much today, but I seriously don't see, why so many people see him as an icon.

Oh, Allmight is superman done right.... No! Superman is Almight done wrong.

Also, I am completely imune from the edge, so that would be my first guess, but I also didn't think it exactly fits Superman.

@LukeAlmighty those are risky reqs and these two things just something I've read relatively recently so they're on top of my head, but my therapist says that whatever comes to your head first is usually the correct decision so:
read Superman: For All Seasons for good super/man dichotomy; the art is VERY specific but super comfy
and read Kingdom Come for what happens when super forgets about the man (and it's not Injustice)
both series are in self-contained and require literally none of "read issue #873 of completely different superhero series" bullfuckery which is the usual pitfall of big comics

@LukeAlmighty and imo both Superman and Batman are still going strong even almost 100 years later is exactly because their stories break down to the simplest "Clark is a good boi who loves his ma and pa" and "Bruce is a sad boi who loved his mom and dad"; and Batman is more popular only because people are attracted to unnecessary and cruel character angst

@LukeAlmighty and that is a very good detector of shit stories about these two: if the story makes Jonathan Kent an asshole who would rather let a school bus full of children perish but not give away the secret; or the story makes Thomas Wayne some kind of evil mafia puppetmaster orchestrating the misery of Gotham - those are probably very, very shitty stories and their authors either have no understanding of basic things or are too busy subverting and deconstructing shit just to "own the chuds"

The Lex Luthor's deduction in this one is beyond the dumb Sherlock in this one -_-

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