@LukeAlmighty well yeah, a woman must never reject her passion for a man
So, once again, we agree.
Therefore, a woman with passion for Justice would be a much better choice. A traditional woman with an upper class background, who will understand the daily struggle Bruse has to go through on the daily bases, as well as responsibility for governing his empire..
@LukeAlmighty if you imply Talia, then this bitch is incompatible with Bruce on a base level because she is the drama queen who thrives on him staying the 'my parents are dead' depressed justice knight and the second his personality shifts to sweet and caring her pussy turns drier than the desert she was probably born in
I'm sure they can find a compromise....
@LukeAlmighty Talia also comes with a package deal of her scheming dad who would most definitely fuck Bruce himself and the only ones who stop him are real life editors
mingling with Talia is a road straight to permanent dramatown with Bruce losing all sense of personality to Batman and then to who knows because these two would mindfuck him into rejecting his genuine care about trve jvstice; and he won't even have Terry as a final fallback
now, with Catwoman, her passion can be just shifted a bit without her losing it or her personality, they can have a happy family and gracefully retire, because Selina is just like a cat: genuinely sweet and caring, it just takes some time and effort to earn her trust
@LukeAlmighty she isn't a kleptomaniac, she just thinks of herself as a Robin Hood archetype, stealing from the rich and giving to the poor (herself), and she was shown many times to let go of material goods in order to do a greater good
and were she actually a kleptomaniac, sure Bruce Wayne can afford a small private army of doctors to curb that disorder
@LukeAlmighty something in common, like what, being nepo babies? inflated ego? obsession with total control?
honestly, them having "something" in common is very bad and makes this infinitely more toxic than relationship with Catwoman, because Talia and Bruce will feed each other's bad sides until they both burst into something ugly
Catwoman is exactly the healthy dose of 'opposites attract' required to outweigh Bruce's current and potential bad sides
besides, if Selina is a thief, Talia is an assassin who treats people as disposable
As you said, Salina sees herself as Robin Hood. She must on some level hate everything Bruce personifies.
And Bruce wants the city to be safer. As long as a freak with a whip is breaking everything, he will not feel safe.
Their differences are not surface level, but down to the core of their personality. It will feed their insecurities until they burst.
@LukeAlmighty being Robin Hood doesn't require hating rich people by default; Robin himself was a noble and he respected the king
"rich people are evil" is so basic and a large reason why more modern stories suck balls
for me at least the decisive point is when babies are introduced into equation
I can spoil things or you can read Batman: Son of the Demon (1987) and Catwoman 80th Anniversary book (page 23 and onward)
Spoil away
@LukeAlmighty well, in the first book the event "Talia's pussy gets dry" happens when she gets pregnant and Bruce goes into doting mode
so she lies about having a miscarriage and dumps the baby to some other couple
it was then retconned by a they/them and that's how the readers and viewers got the gremlin named Damian, but not like the situation got really better because afaik Talia treats her son like a tool, and a disposable one
meanwhile the second story is a neat package about Selina and Bruce's daughter and how Bruce's love and care and their love and care for their daughter just makes her quit a better person, and that's exactly what happened back in the 70's when she was introduced (for the Earth-2 universe) when Selina just... stopped stealing shit
@LukeAlmighty so, in short, Yes He Can Fix Her
but Talia is unfixable
> Imagine thinking, that Bruce can fix her...
@LukeAlmighty just laying it into your simpler terms, silly
the point still stands: either a happy and fulfilling life or falling prey to a family of schemers
No... Why are you still comparing Salina to the psycho?
Yes, I said already several times, that I know she isn't perfect. But to say, that he and catwoman will bb happy is dellulu.
@LukeAlmighty that's not delusion when it's canon
I am a Star Wars fan. I despise the canon.
@LukeAlmighty Star Wars fans also were the most anal about canon back before Disney, so
> she just thinks of herself as a Robin Hood archetype
That's so much worse though...
> and were she actually a kleptomaniac, sure Bruce Wayne can afford a small private army of doctors to curb that disorder
As if a cat would let herself get caught that easily.
Hey... I get, that the Talia isn't a perfect choice, and her daddy makes things 100 times worse. But at least, they have something in common. But catwoman is just bad for Bruce. Living with her would break his back more, then Bane could ever do.