@LukeAlmighty didn't you already have this conversation about laundry NOT being just 'throw clothes in the machine'

@LukeAlmighty well, instead of complaining about "gaslighting" how about you ask yourself why OP never bothered to help with the laundry

Well, some women literally won't let you help.

Sorry to burst your bubble, but I would got shouted on whenever I tried.

@LukeAlmighty because your "help" most likely consisted of retarded shit like pouring fabric softener in the wrong section
and I mean actual help


@LukeAlmighty and of course the male nature is when you politely point out that when they're being retarded, they begin to argue and mansplain laundry to you even if they think retarded shit like "laundry is just throwing clothes in the machine"
so of course women have to shout at them, it's your fault

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