Nintendo are child groomers. This game is about a tranny who runs away from home. It's very explicit.

@natsock nintendo puts trailers for pretty much everything that has a trailer on their account, kind of like playstation does which is how you end up with "life of black tiger" on the official playstation youtube.

this game is made by gears for breakfast, same developers as a hat in time, which doesn't surprise me considering that towards the end with some of the DLC they started including trans flags in there. bunch of faggots.

@beardalaxy @natsock Gears for Breakfast is publishing it. The game is made by some new studio known as Frog Vibes.

This game IS coming to Switch. Nintendo also allowed 2064 Read Only Memories (pure SJW LGBT propaganda) on their eShop.

@xianc78 @beardalaxy @natsock As far as I know, Nintendo allows everything to be published to the eShop as-is.
Unless it creates firmware exploits (or they think it does) that is.
So seeing rainbow terrorist propaganda appearing to the eShop isn't surprising.
Would be nice if somebody would challenge that by publishing a "neo-nazi" game or some shit, just to see whether they're going to be biased or not.

Though I believe the Asian Nintendo departments and maybe the Ausjailian one too won't mind, but the European one likely will, and the Americuck one guaranteed will.

@ryo @beardalaxy @natsock I've checked their website and they don't seem to have a content policy anywhere. The FAQ only says that you have to be over 18 for legal reasons.

I highly doubt they would allow "Nazi" content though. While Nintendo usually takes an apolitical stance, they will usually come out if someone accuses them for being racist (the Native American Mr Game & Watch comes to mind).

They probably let LGBT games slide because they realize that a huge chunk of indie developers are trannies who will accuse you of genocide if you don't let their content on their shop. And Nintendo knows that they are going to need a lot of indie games because there still are AAA and even AA games that simply can't be on Switch.

>Unless it creates firmware exploits (or they think it does) that is.

They have taken down a game for including a Ruby interpreter easter egg even though said interpreter was sandboxed. Yet they do have BASIC interpreters on their eShop like SmileBASIC, but BASIC is a lot more limited compared to modern scripting languages which is probably why they let those slide.

"Apolitical" and "centrist" mean "liberal, but I let other people do the activism."

@ryo @beardalaxy
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