@ryo @Terry @djsumdog @fluffy
>The former chants "lethal injections are safe and effective" while the latter chants "everyone who took it will be dead by the end of the year".
Fucking this. The COVID jab virtue signaling is terrible and we still don't know the long-term effects of it but the whole vaccine, "everyone is going to die from it in a few months" doomer porn is just as bad. It was fucking hard to find actual information and concerns about the vaccines when you have these doomer types who say how you need to hide in the mountains because either you are going to die from the jab itself or die from spike shedding or the jabbed being turned into zombies (yes people actually believed that). Only ending with some end times Biblical quote.
This shit drowned out any actual concerns about the "vaccines" like about if they truly alter your DNA or if they really affect fertility.
@ryo @Terry @djsumdog @fluffy
>for the DNA stuff there's no real evidence of that.
Fertility alone was the reason I didn't want to take it. I was the only one among my siblings not to be jabbed. I thought I was going to be my parents only hope for grandchildren but luckily that turned out not to be the case because my older brother recently had a daughter.
As for altering genes, mRNA *can* reverse transcribe to DNA in some circumstances, but mRNA is not normally used for gene editing. Guide RNA is used for that. But the whole gene altering part doesn't matter because the globalist already have that planned for their "4th industrial revolution". Soon, you might have to have your genes altered to protect the climate. Vid related.
@xianc78 @ryo @Terry @fluffy Yea there was that one study that showed the mRNA got its complement in-vitro … even though it was in a petri dish, it still shouldn’t have happened at all. Our own mRNA doesn’t get compliments after its used to build proteins; that happens in an entirely different process.
But maybe that doesn’t happen in-vivo .. and it’d be very difficult/maybe impossible to tell if it did anything to our genome. But it still goes to show how little these scientists know about this tech or even have a basic handle on how animal biology works. They’re discovering all this crap as it’s being tested on billions of people … like Windows 95