icann cucked about dailystormer
they will cuck here too, be ready
@xianc78 @fluffy @Terry I tried OpenNIC before, and it didn't work.
Plus most of the TLDs are unregisterable, and the only ones that are registerable don't work.
@xianc78 @ryo @Terry @fluffy yea, but getting people to use those services en-mass isn't going to happen any time soon. Average joe-blow has no concept of what Fedi or ToR/Onion is.
@djsumdog @Terry @xianc78 @fluffy Well, fuck the average Joe.
Allowing the average Joe into the internet space is what created the cyber-tyranny we all have to live under now.
That's why I think Fedi and Tor/Onion are exactly the solutions we need.

@ryo @Terry @djsumdog @fluffy I think the average Joe can handle something like Fedi and Tor. If you can understand the concept of email, then you can understand Fedi. As for Tor, the Tor Browser should be simple enough.

@xianc78 @ryo @Terry @fluffy yea, but what percentage of the population is even going to know how to do all that ... the problem isn't us; those who know how to route around censorship ... the probably are all the people who blindly believe everything they see via Google/Hatebook/Twatter/Finstagram/The Washington Compost/The Jew York Crimes/etc. Without any challenge to those ideas, they'll just be continued to be locked in, with no hope of breaking free until we're all rounded up.

@djsumdog @Terry @ryo @fluffy Tor Browser is like just installing any other browser. Unless you are dealing with the most tech-illiterate (the ones who literally need GeekSquad to set up their computers), people still know how to install programs, and I think they still remember the days when you needed to install flash just to access certain websites.

>the probably are all the people who blindly believe everything they see via Google/Hatebook/Twatter/Finstagram/The Washington Compost/The Jew York Crimes/etc

You'd be surprise to see how many people are starting to distrust the MSM on both sides. Even my normie friends and family members are sick of the news.

@xianc78 @Terry @ryo @fluffy Dude, I don't see it. I'm in the South. The girl I teach dance classes with has taken 4+ of the shots, liked Brian Kemp because he "stood up to Trump" and when I started talking about the political prisoners on Jan 6th, she yelled, "Five people died!" .. she was visibly shaking as I explained to her that, no .. two people were murdered by capitol police, and they media lied about Officer Sicnic ... she didn't want to hear it.

One of my best friends from middle school works in the children's section of the city library and doesn't understand why parents were upset when they set out pins for kids to wear with pronouns on them and thinks drag time story hour is perfectly acceptable.

The vast majority of my high school friends are completely sucked into the current narrative. The are the most dangerous of people: true believers. I started a "Drinking Conservatively" meetup group in my area just to try to find more people who haven't gone insane yet.

I trust a small fraction of life-long friends at this point.

@djsumdog @Terry @ryo @fluffy You and your life-long friends should collaborate and start a micro-society before everything starts to collapse. You can even find more like minded people on this website.


@djsumdog @xianc78 @Terry @ryo @fluffy > liked Brian Kemp because he "stood up to Trump"

You're dealing with an anomaly. The 2020 primaries pretty clearly showed that "NeverTrump Republicans" are less than a fraction of a percent of the population. That, or she's an opportunistic boomer liberal that's dumb enough to think that she's playing the neocons instead of the other way around.

In any case, the half of the country that is competent and normal is largely on our side. Core issue is that the regime comes after anyone that's too loud about it, so opposing it concretely is a bit of a coordination problem, and requires either a beloved populist figurehead calling the charge (what Trump should've done on J6) or a bunch of very subtle local groups of friends taking over their towns, counties, and eventually states, and waiting for an opportunity to make a play.
@djsumdog @Terry @xianc78 @fluffy It's all a matter of choice really.
For example here in Japan, the scamdemic is long over for those of us who are long done with the scamdemic, but it's still continuing on for those who still continue to believe it.
Likewise, those who will get rounded up are only going to be those who choose to get rounded up.
Those who choose freedom will be free.

So it really doesn't matter, let the good internet be for those of us who can handle uncensored internet, and let the censored shithole be for the normies, as they have created the censors in the first place.

@ryo @Terry @djsumdog @fluffy We're going to end up having two parallel societies. One for those who choose to be free and another for those who believe what TV man tells them.

@xianc78 @Terry @djsumdog @fluffy More than 2 actually.
People choose the reality they want to live in.
TV news exists to force all people to live in the same reality as what TV presents to them.
Alt media and/or truthers online are no different, and they too pull you into their reality, whether they realize it or not.
The former chants "lethal injections are safe and effective" while the latter chants "everyone who took it will be dead by the end of the year".

My world view truly changed in the positive direction once I started ignoring all the media (both mainstream and alternative), and started viewing the world through my own eyes and thinking using my own brain instead of viewing and thinking through a TV screen or PC monitor.
That's when I truly liberated myself.

@ryo @Terry @djsumdog @fluffy
>The former chants "lethal injections are safe and effective" while the latter chants "everyone who took it will be dead by the end of the year".

Fucking this. The COVID jab virtue signaling is terrible and we still don't know the long-term effects of it but the whole vaccine, "everyone is going to die from it in a few months" doomer porn is just as bad. It was fucking hard to find actual information and concerns about the vaccines when you have these doomer types who say how you need to hide in the mountains because either you are going to die from the jab itself or die from spike shedding or the jabbed being turned into zombies (yes people actually believed that). Only ending with some end times Biblical quote.

This shit drowned out any actual concerns about the "vaccines" like about if they truly alter your DNA or if they really affect fertility.

@xianc78 @ryo @Terry @djsumdog @fluffy I think half the doomers are getting off to the idea of thinking their enemies will be dead, which is why they keep reposting it. It's their idea of hope porn, that all their enemies will be dead and they can go fortnite dance on their graves.

And then they wait eternally for their enemies to die and do nothing.
@PhenomX6 @Terry @xianc78 @ryo @fluffy Yea, that's fucking sick torture porn ... probably the same people who enjoy The Walking Dead or The Handmaiden's Tail.

When people tell me they injected their kids, I'm honestly kinda horrified. I'm like "well ... I hope they're okay..." .. I don't want people to die just so I can be _right_ ... but I do want people to acknowledge they were sold a bill of lies, not to be right, but just so we stop this insanity. .. it's not about being right, it's about not going down the path where one side starts rounding up everyone who was _wrong_ .. that we've lost the ability to be okay with different opinions on moral topics ... that's the real danger.
@djsumdog @Terry @xianc78 @ryo @fluffy People keep doubling down and this is why the Kiwi Farms shit happened.
@PhenomX6 @Terry @xianc78 @ryo @fluffy or the insane Sam Harris shit? ... I never even liked Sam Harris; always thought he was a huge asshole. But I use to listen to his stuff just because he had on decent guests sometimes. But around 2020 I just felt he lost the plot with his Trump Derangement Syndrome and left him behind.

Now he's gone absolutely total batshit insane, and he thinks he knows things that are not based in any actual reality. He doesn't even know a single thing about Trump, except what he's heard 2nd hand. His defense of Former Vice President Biden feels like it could easily be a defense of Stalin.
@djsumdog @Terry @PhenomX6 @xianc78 @fluffy
> that we've lost the ability to be okay with different opinions on moral topics

Nowadays, even if you agree with someone 99%, but only disagree 1%, you're already considered a shill to them.
Which is why I rather not talk to them.
I have my opinions, they have theirs.
The difference with my blog from a lot of other people's is that I straight up say "don't take my words as facts, take my words as my opinions, because that's what all the so-called "facts" really are in the end".
@xianc78 @Terry @djsumdog @fluffy The fertility part is already confirmed to be true, for the DNA stuff there's no real evidence of that.
Shedding is confirmed to be bullshit, and as for the zombie part, there's no need for a jab to turn you into a zombie.
I mean not a literal zombie as how Hollywood or Call of Duty portrait them as, but rather regular people who can't think for themselves type of zombies.

And this whole end times stuff is bullshit they kept repeating again and again for hundreds of years already.
They even predicted the end times during the swine flu scamdemic, and even during SARS and MERS, and I didn't even mention 2012, the ISIS pysop, and the selection of Trump yet, which were other attempts of pushing the end times narrative on to everybody.

@ryo @Terry @djsumdog @fluffy
>for the DNA stuff there's no real evidence of that.
Fertility alone was the reason I didn't want to take it. I was the only one among my siblings not to be jabbed. I thought I was going to be my parents only hope for grandchildren but luckily that turned out not to be the case because my older brother recently had a daughter.

As for altering genes, mRNA *can* reverse transcribe to DNA in some circumstances, but mRNA is not normally used for gene editing. Guide RNA is used for that. But the whole gene altering part doesn't matter because the globalist already have that planned for their "4th industrial revolution". Soon, you might have to have your genes altered to protect the climate. Vid related.

@xianc78 @ryo @Terry @fluffy Yea there was that one study that showed the mRNA got its complement in-vitro … even though it was in a petri dish, it still shouldn’t have happened at all. Our own mRNA doesn’t get compliments after its used to build proteins; that happens in an entirely different process.

But maybe that doesn’t happen in-vivo .. and it’d be very difficult/maybe impossible to tell if it did anything to our genome. But it still goes to show how little these scientists know about this tech or even have a basic handle on how animal biology works. They’re discovering all this crap as it’s being tested on billions of people … like Windows 95

@xianc78 @ryo @Terry @fluffy I like the No Agenda podcast take .. the two of them are estimating the jabs probably kill 1% ~ 3%. A friend of mine who was the editor of several newspapers/magazines on the West cost thinks the shots probably killed more people than COVID.

That's probably about right. The narrative is going to change greatly soon too .. at least in the US the democrats are likely going to blame Trump/Warp Speed .. but they have to save face, so the running theory is going to be "Well those shots were bad .. but these new ones .. we had time to make these right .. we're better .. Orange Man still bad" .. I think that's retarded and stupid .. there's not way-- oh wait .. we are living in the dumbest fucking times. So yea ... that's probably going to happen.

Fertility rates have been on a steady decline for decades, so it will be impossible to pin that to these shots ... but I do think we'll see declines there as well and people will be in collective denial about it.

@djsumdog @Terry @ryo @fluffy
>Fertility rates have been on a steady decline for decades, so it will be impossible to pin that to these shots ... but I do think we'll see declines there as well and people will be in collective denial about it.

Yeah I know. It's one problem that doesn't seem to get much attention. In fact, they lump it with the "white genocide theory" so you are a racist if you bring up declining fertility rates.

It also doesn't help that we are going to have a lot of people who don't want to have kids because of all this Great Reset shit being pushed on us. Not to mention all the idiots getting vasectomies (which aren't 100% reversible) because of the Roe v Wade shitshow or because of climate change/overpopulation propaganda being pushed on them. And I hate climate/overpopulation alarmists more than COVID alarmists.

@xianc78 @Terry @ryo @fluffy

And I hate climate/overpopulation alarmists more than COVID alarmists

All the research I did after my masters was in sensor networks. I wish I could do a full blog post on remote sensing, but a lot of stuff I learned from professors and R&D/factories and under NDAs … but the TL;DR is satellite data is really garbage .. and the Earth is always warming on the downward slop of an ice age. All this climate stuff is absolutely insane … and when people freeze to death they’re just going to blame climate change and not how nations cut off their nuclear and oil supplies.

@djsumdog @Terry @ryo @fluffy And people wonder why I'm a huge climate denier.

I also think the whole "global warming scam is really about wealth transfer" is controlled opposition because I think it goes much deeper than that. It's about population control, monopolizing all of earth's resources, and creating a technocratic surveillance state, all of which we are already seeing with The Great Reset and Agenda 21/30.

Because of all this, I think that the climate hoax is one of, if not the biggest conspiracy.

@xianc78 @Terry @ryo @fluffy hmm ... I'm not sure I'm on the conspiracy angle so much as mass hysteria, an emergent religion ... various groups profiting off the idea ... a combination of factors that make money of people who want to keep perpetuating this idea .. and the idea works and builds because there is this underlying desire for environmentalism from humans ... a big soup of belief ... and some of the people making all the cash do buy into it, as well as all the people who know it's garbage but still profit from it
@xianc78 @djsumdog @Terry @ryo @fluffy Or trooning out and castrating themselves because their retarded online friends enabled it or pushed for it.

@PhenomX6 @Terry @djsumdog @ryo @fluffy That depends if they went through the operation. If you still have your dick, you can still regain your fertility if you detransition.

@xianc78 @PhenomX6 @Terry @ryo @fluffy depends. Once you're on some of those drugs for 4~6 years, you can go sterile. What's more fucked up are the pregnant men you see ... because they had to come off of testosterone to get pregnant and during the pregnancy ... and that baby is now getting the remains of those hormones during pregnancy ... and you have cases of M2F taking hormones so they can breast feed (for the rare men who do have milk ducts) .. so now that baby is drinking breast milk ... with hormones in it.

@djsumdog @Terry @PhenomX6 @ryo @fluffy
>for the rare men who do have milk ducts
>men with milk ducts exist

I never knew that and now I have a disgusting image in my mind.

@djsumdog @Terry @xianc78 @fluffy Yea, I too suggested that only a small percentage of the lethal injection takers will die, while the others will be dependent on the medical soystem for the rest of their lives, and only some escaping this fate.

As for fertility, the reason is that I know people in real life who took the injection and can't manage to give birth to a child now.
But apparently Xianc pointed out that it's not necessarily the case, so perhaps yet another case of hit or miss.
>doomer porn
it's a psyop. alex jones and such are propagandists and they are working to undermind legitimate dissent by promoting spurious nonsense
@fluffy @Terry @djsumdog @xianc78 @ryo

William Milton Cooper called out Alex Jones as a state asset over 20 years ago.
@fluffy @Terry @djsumdog @xianc78 FINALLY!!
Somebody finally understands!

I knew Alex Jones since his loud "deplatforming" from the internet, which is also when I raised suspicion towards him.

Up until recently I thought Max Igan and Jeff Berwick were the only real truthers left, but then Jeff tried to undermine Monero a few times to shill for his other shitcoins instead, and both have doomed and gloomed over global food shortages, rolling blackouts, and mass deaths to be coming "in the next few weeks or months" for 2 and a half years now, and none of that have ever been materialized.

Plus they both say that Alex Jones and David Icke are truthers and that "there's no evidence of them being controlled opposition", despite the track record of them being so.

Plus loli frog spent an entire summer in Europe, and mostly in Netherlands, and she has never seen a single farmer protest, she has never witnessed any food shortages that they and many more keep telling you to be the case.

So I thought, if they lied about all these things, then how likely is it that they're lying about other things as well?
@ryo @Terry @djsumdog @xianc78 @fluffy most people in shitposting communities saw Alex Jones as this before everyone had their sense of humor chemically removed by drinking troonshine:
@ryo @fluffy @Terry @djsumdog @xianc78
About that... I gave Alex the benefit of the doubt for a while because I did get useful information from him (particularly specific terms that I then searched and read about myself), but that is over. He is definitely controlled opposition, guaranteed. I had some doubts about him because of how he totally ignores the role of Israel in pretty much everything evil that happens, and his defense of Putin (a WEF Young Global Leader, and legitimately a tyrant, that pushes the same agenda as everyone else)

And also how he constantly pacifies the opposition into doing nothing and just waiting for some magical political solution that has never happened and will never happen. Constantly saying shit like "don't burn down Bill Gates' businesses, just peacefully protest on the way to the extermination camps", when clearly, enforcing the golden rule and doing to them what they have done to others is the only solution and nothing in the history of humanity has ever been accomplished without buildings burning and bodies flying around.

Anyway, it turns out that both him and Joe Rogan have some very bad connections. Including to George Soros, the same Soros that Alex constantly speaks against. Lots of Israeli and military and intelligence connections, even Soviet, even to the church of Satan. They are total frauds and are not doing what they do with good intent, even if some of their information is real. I of course do not trust anyone that has been on Joe Rogan, at this point. Already didn't trust most of them. Too many psychopathic frauds, like Elon Musk, probably the worst of the bunch. At this point, I'm pretty convinced that I was wrong for giving him the benefit of the doubt at all.

Here are some videos that talk about the subject:

@TerminalAutism @Terry @djsumdog @ryo @fluffy One thing I learned from in the past couple of years is that the conspiracy rabbit hole is MUCH deeper than one may think.

@xianc78 @Terry @djsumdog @ryo @fluffy
Pretty much. It feels like the more you know, the less you know. It is such a gigantic spider's web that even just keeping track of all the connections is very overwhelming. Remembering all the information is basically impossible (and people don't agree on it anyway, so getting all the details right would require a lot of research), except maybe if you dedicate your entire life exclusively to that, but even then I'm not so sure.

Still, the involved organizations and prominent big names that keep showing up, those don't change, so people don't even have to know that much to stop this. The web is massive, but you can see where it's coming from, and kinda see the shape of the spider, and you can see that every system, ideology and institution is part of it.

People obsess over individual organizations, and I think that's part of the psyop too, to keep people from seeing the big picture, and in the case of Israel, to reinforce the image of Jews as victims (that Israel uses as a shield and as a weapon, and as a tool for manipulating their own population, because most Jews are extremely brainwashed and don't actually know the plans), that everyone dislikes for no reason at all. They are all pieces of the puzzle, though, and are all involved. The Masons, intelligence agencies, banks, organized religions, governments, international organizations, the media, the corporations, all the various cults and secret societies and the royal families, they are all part of it, and that's why they are not fighting each other.

Anyway, it's also interesting to think about where all of this comes from and for how long they have been doing this, though it doesn't change what has to be done to stop them. I think it may go back to the ancient world, through the bankster dynasties and the state churches, maybe the inbred royalty too.
@ryo @Terry @xianc78 @fluffy I think it's similar for a lot of the Southern US. I was actually surprised by my high school friends, because most of the people I danced with at events in Florida or random people I met in bars; you mention the scamdemic and they'd go on and on about "not getting the jab" and how some of them kept their businesses open or how stupid the whole thing was. One random woman from Nashville told me how she kept her ultrasound clinic open the whole time and didn't trust whatever garbage they were putting in that shot and told every women who came through her door not to take it for the sake of their baby.

Maybe my old friend group is just an odd microcosm .. and don't get me wrong, I also have plenty of old friends who totally share my views. I'd say it might be 20%~30% out of the total have not bought into this new era.

From what I watched from James Corbet (Canadian who teaches school in Japan and runs a podcast), it seemed like Japan was trying to hold out closing down; even talking about keeping the Olympics, longer that most other nations. He showed a lot of food courts looking normal in his area.

But then again, Japanese do seem like a very conforming culture. Do you think it's the same divide there as far as urban/rural in the sense of being seriously concerned and afraid/thinking it was all bullshit?
@djsumdog @Terry @xianc78 @fluffy Japan never locked down.
There has been a period of a voluntary "lockdown" between April 2020 and May 2020, but each business was given the option to lockdown or continue business as usual.
But other than that 1 month, everything has been running as usual mostly (some decided to close 2 hours early during the other states of "emergency" declarations).

A barber near me refused to close down while all the other barbers did, and she was the one who profited like never before, and even got to keep the many new customers too.
@xianc78 @Terry @fluffy yup.
And I still think Tor is the easiest to set up out of all of them.
Though trying to figure out 1 problem I'm currently having with a Tor server, it refuses to get my Onion mirror up and running for whatever reason.

@ryo @Terry @fluffy I had some normie witness me using Tor Browser once and they thought that I was going to use it for CP.

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