@ryo @Terry @djsumdog @fluffy
>The former chants "lethal injections are safe and effective" while the latter chants "everyone who took it will be dead by the end of the year".
Fucking this. The COVID jab virtue signaling is terrible and we still don't know the long-term effects of it but the whole vaccine, "everyone is going to die from it in a few months" doomer porn is just as bad. It was fucking hard to find actual information and concerns about the vaccines when you have these doomer types who say how you need to hide in the mountains because either you are going to die from the jab itself or die from spike shedding or the jabbed being turned into zombies (yes people actually believed that). Only ending with some end times Biblical quote.
This shit drowned out any actual concerns about the "vaccines" like about if they truly alter your DNA or if they really affect fertility.
Pretty much. It feels like the more you know, the less you know. It is such a gigantic spider's web that even just keeping track of all the connections is very overwhelming. Remembering all the information is basically impossible (and people don't agree on it anyway, so getting all the details right would require a lot of research), except maybe if you dedicate your entire life exclusively to that, but even then I'm not so sure.
Still, the involved organizations and prominent big names that keep showing up, those don't change, so people don't even have to know that much to stop this. The web is massive, but you can see where it's coming from, and kinda see the shape of the spider, and you can see that every system, ideology and institution is part of it.
People obsess over individual organizations, and I think that's part of the psyop too, to keep people from seeing the big picture, and in the case of Israel, to reinforce the image of Jews as victims (that Israel uses as a shield and as a weapon, and as a tool for manipulating their own population, because most Jews are extremely brainwashed and don't actually know the plans), that everyone dislikes for no reason at all. They are all pieces of the puzzle, though, and are all involved. The Masons, intelligence agencies, banks, organized religions, governments, international organizations, the media, the corporations, all the various cults and secret societies and the royal families, they are all part of it, and that's why they are not fighting each other.
Anyway, it's also interesting to think about where all of this comes from and for how long they have been doing this, though it doesn't change what has to be done to stop them. I think it may go back to the ancient world, through the bankster dynasties and the state churches, maybe the inbred royalty too.