Looking up the Let's Decentralize website to check whether ZeroNet or Lokinet was proprietary soyware (spoiler alert: both).

I found 2, and they share quite a funny contrast.
letsdecentralize.org: "fuck crypto, Web3 is a scam"
letsdecentralize.com: "crypto good, Web3 is the future"

@ryo Both of those are wrong. Crypto is good. Web3 is a scam.

@xianc78 @ryo

((( Cpyto ))) is a scam for goyim to move away from physical cash

@charliebrownau @xianc78 @charliebrownau @xianc78 @ryo You can't tell me with a straight face that physical fiat cash is something ((they)) want us to move away from when it's their instrument of power. QE is something they can't do to silver & Monero.

@roboneko @lolicon @charliebrownau @ryo They haven't cracked Monero yet, but the IRS has put a bounty on anyone who can find a way to trace it.

@xianc78 @roboneko @lolicon @ryo which is good evidence it's secure. if it wasn't, someone would have collected the bounty
Maybe someone has and they're keeping it secret :tinfoilhat:
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