Life tip: if you're at the store, and you see 1 box of yakitori with 8 skewers for 980 yen, and you see 3 boxes of yakitori with 3 skewers each for 298 yen each, if you do the math then 3 boxes of 3 skewers is without a doubt cheaper.

@ryo Life tip that will help nobody here. I don't even know what yakitori is.

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@xianc78 Yakitori is chicken on a skewer.

It will help if you replace "yakitori" for whatever other food you can buy that has similar options.
For example, McNuggets.
You can buy 1 big box or multiple smaller boxes, consider the amount of nuggets you get in each one of them, and calculate how much you'll be paying.

As an American, that is the most insulting equivalent you could make, but I don't blame you.

@xianc78 I don't get it.
Japan is famous for sushi all over the world, all the faraway places make up their own versions of it, and I don't feel insulted by it at all.

@ryo No it's the fat American stereotype. I really do hate that we have an obesity epidemic here and fast-food is something I would love to completely cut off from my life outside of road-trips and emergencies.

>all the faraway places make up their own versions of it, and I don't feel insulted by it at all.

Not everyone has the same type of fish that's why. Ramen is also very popular here, but it's the type of food that you eat if you're broke or bad at cooking.

@xianc78 @ryo

They were made fat on purpose

a Fit strong healthy male with the right information is a threat

@xianc78 The type of fish isn't really the point.
There already are quite a few differences in sushi between east Japan (関東, Kanto) and west Japan (関西, Kansai),
I remember going to a sushi restaurant in Poland with some friends over there, it's just not sushi at all, doesn't look like that, doesn't taste like that, even the rice is different.
Same shit when I went to another one in Belgium.
@ryo @xianc78 I could have guessed that. From what I know, yaki generally means that it's fried or grilled, or cooked, or whatever (teriyaki, takoyaki, tamagoyaki. And tori is bird, and generally chicken is just called bird. Kinda fun to know. Though I think I'll never actually know Japanese, because I really question if it's worth learning at this point. I'll probably be dead in less than 10 years, and I will be in no position to enjoy any media way before that, so does it really make sense to make long-term investments at this point? I can't find a justification for that.
@TerminalAutism @xianc78 I don't recommend anyone to come here for the time being.
Not until most people drop the entire scamdemic altogether, because while most people are quite OK, you'll still find some random lunatics who will go out of their way to force you to wear a mask (which is actually illegal, and anyone doing so can expect PENALty of up to 3 years in prison + 5 million yen fine, according to the "law" that is, which even the governments are using as toilet paper at this point).
@ryo @xianc78 I don't intend to ever go to Japan anymore, and learning Japanese was always mostly for hobby enhancement. Though even if I did, it's definitely easier to get away with violence and vandalism when you're a tourist.

On the other hand, it would be even more tempting to go too far and to beat someone half to death with a chair and quickly break as much as possible before leaving, which is what I want to do every moment that I spend just about anywhere, because my life is fucked, and that is constantly on my mind, and I know that it's everyone's fault, and that I have every right to make them pay for it.
@TerminalAutism @xianc78
> Though even if I did, it's definitely easier to get away with violence and vandalism when you're a tourist.

You'll get detained for a half year or longer until you convict yourself, so by the time they let you go, you'll be tried for overstaying because your visa is only valid for 90 days, so you'll get deported and get banned from entry for 5 years.
Yes, the soystem is this retarded...

But the reason why I say I don't recommend anyone to come is because if you want to breath fresh air or even show them evidence written by a doctor that you can't wear a mask for health reasons, you're basically getting punished for funding the Japanese economy.
I don't want to support that kind of behavior regardless of country.

Give money to those who do respect you, and boycott those who hate you, it's that simple!

@ryo @TerminalAutism Even before the scamdemic, I didn't like how Japan treats tourists. Last time I checked they require and ID card that you have to carry at all times and to have your fingerprints scanned. Even James Corbett still has to carry his ID all around him despite being in Japan for almost half his life.

I really wish I could go and try to wake up as many Japanese as possible, but I know that foreigners aren't allowed to spread political messages in Japan, even though a lot of them did participate in the BLM protests. And even then, most of the people there are braindead sheep and definitely won't take what some crazy gaijin says seriously.

I really hope the Japanese will one day wake up and uncuck themselves, but at this point, it seems like the Chinese or even North Koreans are more likely to wake up than the Japanese.

@xianc78 @ryo @TerminalAutism

Like every Humanoid species on Earth

It needs to get worse till people demand MEN do something

No more supermarkets
No more power grid
No more water grid
No more jobs
No more welfare

Entire system needs to collapse

Its still too 'safe and secure' and 'regular'

@xianc78 @TerminalAutism Tourists would be carrying around passports, as there's no ID card for those.
Us citizens neither have to carry around a national ID, simply because there's no such system (yet), so when we need to identify we're generally asked to bring a drivers loysense or a passport or a certificate of residence (an A4 sheet printed by the city or ward office).

Foreigners have a residence card (在留カード), basically a visa that looks like a plastic card.
I'm not a foreigner, but I heard from foreigners that they have to carry it around at all times, or face a fine of up to 200,000 yen when caught without one.
But among them I hear different stories, one person said he was never stopped by police, so he just doesn't carry it around unless he knows he has to show it on that day (like when taking a phone subscription, renting a DVD, or selling stuff), while another person told me he gets stopped by police at random quite a lot, so he carries it around all the time.
But then again, the former lives and works in places with a very low crime rate, while the latter hangs out in just about the most shady places of Shinjuku quite a lot, so that alone explains a lot.

They're really pushing the MyNumber card soystem hard over here, that one is basically like the European ID card soystem which is valid in all the Schengen countries + Airstrip One + Turkey, and only for European citizens (so foreigners excluded).
The difference with MyNumber card is that it's only valid within Japan, and everyone can get it whether you're Japanese or a foreigner, as long as you have residence here.
Oh, and MyNumber card is currently "optional".

@ryo @TerminalAutism Yeah, James Corbett talked about MyNumber. I'm glad that you guys are refusing it.

@xianc78 @TerminalAutism They're coersing us into getting it as much as they can, don't worry about it.
But even then, the worst they could do is forcing people into getting the card and phasing out the old decentralized (and still properly functioning) hell insurance system, and merge it into the MyNumber card.
Luckily, even then there's still resistance, so now they're looking for a 2nd soystem for the people who don't have a MyNumber card. :pepeclown:
@xianc78 @TerminalAutism Also, no idea about North Koreans, but the Chinese over here are indeed much more aware from what I've seen.
It's pretty weird for a Japanese dude to have more in common with Chinese SPR's than other Japanese people, but I guess that's the way it is...

@ryo @TerminalAutism I've heard that some people just like the privacy aspect of wearing a face-mask even though facial recognition algorithms can detect faces wearing them now. I know Masahiro Sakurai says that he likes to wear one because otherwise, people who recognize him will start asking him questions.

@xianc78 @ryo I kinda want to go around wearing a Bane mask and see if I can get away with it. Or a gas mask, or something else. Could be funny, but I don't have one.
@TerminalAutism @xianc78 Wear an anonymous mask.
You can buy one from Amazon for cheap really easily.
@xianc78 @TerminalAutism Yes, and I actually think there's more of them out there.
The true believers of the scamdemic do exist, but it's seemingly not as many now I think of it.
Most people wear it just to not be the needle that sticks out, which creates the problem of governments, media, businesses, and whatnot believing that most people actually still believe it all.
Meanwhile, the true believers are the ones who will actively avoid you, force you out of elevators, force you to wear a face diaper, and whatnot, and honestly even with the recent brainlets I've met it's still an extremely tiny minority.

Another thing is that younger people are more likely to blindly follow the company "rules" of which they work for to the pixel, so even if they know it's a scam, they'll still kick you out of stores for not wearing a face diaper because "oh what if that one person who clearly doesn't give a fuck is scared of the covAIDS?".

@ryo @TerminalAutism Here's a solution, that I came up with. If you see someone not complying with the mandates (like not wearing a mask), pay them a small tip. This encourages them to keep doing it.

@xianc78 @TerminalAutism Tipping culture isn't really a thing here, so if you tip them and run, they'll probably just chase after you to return the amount you overpaid.

@ryo @TerminalAutism I'm talking about random people, not workers. I did that to my fellow classmates who didn't wear a mask, back when I was still in school.

@xianc78 @TerminalAutism Even then I think most people will just give you the money back because "what am I supposed to do with this?".
Different cultures, different things work.
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