@ryo Sad to see you go, but I perfectly understand. I will try to get I2P to work with an IRC client. I wished you went with XMPP instead though (messages are temporarily archived and visible without typing some command).

@xianc78 i mean @ryo's reasons for leaving are hilarious, im reading the post right now and it makes no sense, but whatever

@opal @ryo He really hates frameworks. I wish he would just set up a twtxt feed on his site instead.

@xianc78 @opal I have yet to look into that, but so far what turns me off from that is that it's written in Python.
I just don't want to waste time fixing it all the time.

@ryo @opal It's just a text file and there are many different clients.

I update my feed using
echo -e "`date -Im`\tInsert text here" >> twtxt.txt!

Though I only have two posts on my feed so far.

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