created another npc today, this one tells your fortune based on events that have happened that can affect events that will happen.

@beardalaxy It better not be a gypsy or your game will get cancelled.

@xianc78 maybe someone would interpret it like that if they jumped through lots of hoops lol. the region she's from was kinda inspired by a mix of scandinavia, russia, and australia.

and this is what she looks like. not very gypsy-esque lol.

@beardalaxy I never understood why video game characters have their bedrooms and their kitchens in the same room and at the front door.

@xianc78 for me it is simplicity in design, mainly. i don't want to inundate players with more doors that have animation wait times and/or annoying transition effects. cutting out doors where possible helps with that and the majority of players won't think twice that this person has no doors in their house. the rooms are still separated by walls and that is good enough design language. you'll notice that a lot of older 2D RPGs and even (relatively) newer 3D games just don't have doors inside sometimes.

really the only interiors that have doors that lead to other rooms in my game are castles/mansions, because if i included the rooms in the map itself it would get too large. i separate floors with transition zones too.

there is also a little bit of a difference in the income and lifestyle of people. here's another house design of someone with a larger house. this person is a farmer with a large family, whereas the sage had her house built to her needs.

not to mention, i am trying to emulate the games of the past just a little bit. look at this one from dragon quest vi hahaha, now that is what i call minimalistic design xD

it could also be that medieval houses just actually were like this, especially for peasants or such. i haven't really looked into it. i'm sure the architecture would vary pretty wildly based on where you went, too.


@beardalaxy It might be due to simplicity. Even the Harvest Moon games which take place in a modern-ish setting have the bedroom at the front door. I actually thought that it was actually a Japanese thing to do in real life. The only JRPG series I know of that designs houses realistically is the Mother/Earthbound series and Pokemon.

As for your game, you could just have doors that are nothing but decoration and really just lead to nowhere. Is there any point in including a NPCs bedroom unless it plays a significant part of the game?

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