@animeirl 5k for a trashcan in present day present time, they're actually mad

@netdoll @animeirl I have never seen a single person owning a MacPro. Every desktop Mac I see is an iMac. Rarely do I see a Mac Mini, but it's usually used as a home theater setup.

@xianc78 @xianc78 @animeirl >home theater setup
Until GNU+Linux gets full HDR support, Adobe's creative software support, and Dolby's support, MacOS and Windows will always be commonly used for consuming/creating fancy media. Consider what hardware and software is used to craft those flamboyant print magazines.

@berkberkman @animeirl I don't pay attention or care about graphic design, video production, etc. But apparently, Macs were actually never the best option for those. They just became a shitty trend by Hollywood film directors. I've heard that even back then, Amiga was actually the best option when it came to media production.

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@xianc78 @xianc78 @animeirl Having grown up with that sort of thing, they sadly are the only few options to even teach new students about them (especially Adobe). Lots of proprietary gunk has festered throughout media production (video, audio, print, etc.) for far too long. Even SGI's IRIX was guilty of this.

@berkberkman @animeirl At least Blender seems to have become the most popular 3D modeling program. It can also be used as a general purpose video editor.

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