Where does the mindset, that kids and teens literally never can be poor and starving?

This guy who's name I censored didn't even understand the basic concept, that as a teen, I wanted to earn some money. And I don't want to hate on him, but why is the concept so fucking complicated?


@LukeAlmighty People don't understand the difference between child labor and child slavery.

"14 year old child"
That part especially triggered the hell of the guy. But I am sorry, I think that from 13 years on, a boy becomes a teen, and is ready to start taking on some responsibility.

@LukeAlmighty I was working at 13. It was way better than being board out of my mind or my two working parents having to pay extra for a summer camp. I could even buy things for myself AND learned a proper work ethic.

"If I'm being paid to be there, then I'm doing something."

@souldessin @LukeAlmighty @xianc78 @souldessin @xianc78 @LukeAlmighty
The important and difficult part for legislators is to make restrictions so that teen labor is something that can't significanrly replace grown adults who do unskilled work, while also not over-regulating so hiring youths becomes a bureaucratic nightmare that businesses won't do.
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