
What's the point of using Lemmy if all the instances are blocking each other? Just go back to forums.

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Also why is Lemmy using ActivityPub? It should be using it's own protocol instead of one that is intended for microblogging.

@xianc78 Peertube uses AP too and that's just for video. It seems pretty robust.

@beardalaxy Using a microblogging protocol for a video host does make sense because you are subscribing to channels which is like following users.

@meso @xianc78 @threalist @realcaseyrollins why do they hate cops so much when communism rests entirely upon cops and similar government organs to keep up the needed social norms?
seriously do they really think their anarchist "communism" will take off when they won't even have a government? never send me links like that again it hurts my fucking brains trying to understand westoids
@lina @xianc78 @threalist @realcaseyrollins anarcho-communists don't, depends on the person but usually they want independent self-governing communes. anarchists are often nonsensical or just want things that are simply bad. I think a sensible version of socialism is one where workers rule their workplaces in a market
@meso @xianc78 @threalist @realcaseyrollins it's not anarchy when you have a self-governing community, it's just independence, anarchy is when you steal booze, take over a dumpster and set it on fire as you drink the stolen booze while fighting off the police and then you do time in the joint after that
@lina @xianc78 @threalist @realcaseyrollins both are based
politically anarchy is not having any central governments or hierarchies though that was obviously the case like 3000 years ago and it went to shit
@meso @xianc78 @threalist @realcaseyrollins purely theoretical in these days
but even as you describe it, no central governments or hierarchies for a political system that rests entirely upon a central government with a strict hierarchy and order? that's retarded no matter how appealing it might sound
in my eyes anarchism is disorder for the sake of disorder, it's not anarchy if you still have some coherent sense of order, even gangs aren't anarchists despite causing disorder since they have some sort of order, but let's say take a whole bunch of coked up mental ward escapees and force them into one group, now that's anarchy even if they will shank each other
@lina @xianc78 @threalist @realcaseyrollins >no central governments or hierarchies for a political system that rests entirely upon a central government with a strict hierarchy and order?
what political system rests entirely upon a central government?
@meso @xianc78 @threalist @realcaseyrollins communism, since that's what we're talking about, does it not?
that's how the soviet union did things even if there was a disconnect in terms of the chain of command between subjects simply because of human nature, also i guess actually intentional autonomy too, but overall, it needs a central government to function the way it's supposed to as it's meant to regulate everything, and yeah, the west is trying to pull the same shit too but much gayer and sinisterer
@lina @xianc78 @threalist @realcaseyrollins that's true, but soviet communists argue that the way "the workers own the means of production" is by the government owning the means of production for them and centralizing planning. which is retarded, that's the government owning the means of production.

libertarian socialists argue that owning the means of production would mean that workers get to decide how their organization runs and etc, I think that's sensible
@lina @realcaseyrollins @threalist @xianc78 capitalism is just state communism but it's corporations and rich people owning everything instead of the state. Both suck ass, both lead to the same thing

@realcaseyrollins @lina @rdr @threalist @meso He's either an idiot or a troll. He thinks that ancaps are for central banks.

@xianc78 @lina @rdr @threalist @meso Yeah…kinda obvious tbh

I’m more inclined to think he’s an idiot rather than a troll tho

@meso @xianc78 @threalist @realcaseyrollins decentralization is ultimately the way to go, as it always was the best way, i don't want bigger fish poking their stinky hooked noses into my business and i don't want to be forced to cooperate with people i don't like

@lina @threalist @realcaseyrollins @meso Anarchy means without rulers.
An - without
archos - rulers

No mention of rules there. I do agree that anarcho-communism is impossible, but I don't want to go into another ancap vs ancom debate again so I'm leaving that here.

@lina @threalist @xianc78 Yep, there are a bunch of tiny #Lemmy instance, and that definitely helps with federation 👍🏾

@threalist @realcaseyrollins None. The social news format is terrible. Up/downvotes and karma create a groupthink mentality and elitist culture that is even worse than traditional forums.

@xianc78 @threalist @realcaseyrollins And the mentality has begun to infest traditional forums. I am one some where I often see users post a new threat that is literally just a hyperlink and some uncreative title. They think they’re using reddit or something.

@wrongthink @threalist @realcaseyrollins Honestly, I've seen that even before Reddit got popular. The news sections on most forums usually had people just posting links and maybe a the first paragraph of the article. And can you really blame them when most news sites don't even have comment sections anymore or are set to moderator approved, paywalled, and/or require a real name?

The "karma" system has also been a problem on traditional forums even before Reddit. GameFAQs had (and probably still has) something similar, and a lot of forums have "VIP members" to indicate long time users who have made "quality posts". It's part of the reason why I prefer imageboards because complete anonymity means that posts are judged by their content and not by the poster.

@xianc78 @threalist @realcaseyrollins it's a platform literally named after an animal associated with blindly following groupthink without giving it a single thought, I don't see why anyone expected anything else from it tbh
@Alex @xianc78 @threalist @realcaseyrollins Lemmings blindly following the hoard is a hoax created by Disney.

Also it's named after a musician.
@xianc78 activitypub isn't intended for microblogging lol
@xianc78 Nowhere in the activity pub standard it's defined as a microblogging protocol.

It's known for being so generic that it requires a lot of extentions to get a working implementation almost like it was their intent.
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