
Why is everyone hyped up for the Super Mario RPG remake? Midget Mario needs to die in a fire!

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Also that Super Mario Bros. Wonder is just as bad, if not worse. I can't tell if they are using pre-rendered sprites or using 3D models that are choppily animated (some shitty new animation trend I'm seeing lately). It just looks awful.

@xianc78 They should have gone with more of a Claymation inspired aesthatic, that's the vibe that game's art style always gave me.

@xianc78 apparently it is one of the best JRPGs of all time, made in square's heyday.

@beardalaxy They could've done it without making everyone look like a fucking midget.

@xianc78 i think it's extremely faithful. i'd much rather have something like this than just ripping the models from odyssey or something. in general, the game looks like a super accurate recreation.

it does look a little bit jarring at first, but it's what the original looked like and i think people will get used to it. this happens with a lot of games, two other ones i can remember off the top of my head being wind waker and the link's awakening remake, which people were pretty upset with from an art style perspective originally but then it grew on everyone and now most people really enjoy them.

@beardalaxy The proportions looked fine in that pre-rendered artstyle. It looks abysmal with modern 3D models.

@EdBoatConnoisseur @beardalaxy It wasn't claymation, they borrowed SGI workstations from Rare to make pre-rendered sprites. At least that's what I've heard.

@galena @beardalaxy @xianc78 I liked BDSP's art style and game philosophy, and I love that it was faithful to the successful and beloved DS graphics.

As for SMRPG, I thought it was very overrated when I played it on the Wii, so if that is faithful too, that might be an issue,

@galena @KoopaTV @xianc78 i don't think BD/SP look nearly as faithful as SMRPG and LA do.

@beardalaxy @KoopaTV @xianc78 To me, it looks like the same kind of thing - taking proportions intended for a completely different artstyle and lazily applying them to a new artstyle, without any concern for how much it clashes. It's "faithful" in the wrong ways, rather than attempting to find a way to make it look good with a different style, or retaining the old style, it creates an ugly half-assed mix of new and old. There are certain limitations older hardware, and certain artstyles, impose. These limitations impact game design, art design, etc; the proportions of the artstyle are an example of these sorts of limitations. The proportions work with their intended artstyle because they are part of it - a product of it. Taking those exact proportions and using them for a completely different artstyle just looks ugly and lazy. They're mindlessly copying the limitations without understanding why they were there to begin with or what purpose they served - it's just mindlessly tracing the work without understanding why it works.

BDSP were endlessly mocked for being "faithful" remakes to the point of serving 0 purpose, because they're just straight up worse than the game they're trying to remake; they're just a much, much buggier DP with an atrocious artstyle, and without any of the improvements people loved about Platinum.
@galena @beardalaxy @xianc78 BDSP is not worse than Diamond / Pearl. That's absurd. It also had several improvements made over Diamond / Pearl that addressed the issues that critics and players had of Diamond / Pearl at the time they came out.
I wrote about those if you're interested.
@KoopaTV @beardalaxy @xianc78 Literally defending the laziest cashgrab pokemon has ever made
@galena @beardalaxy @xianc78 I find anti-BDSP arguments to be very lazy and derivative. Pro-BDSP is a lot more thoughtful and fun; fitting of a fun videogame.
@xianc78 Because it has le meme puppet man a handful of autists desperately want in Smash for some reason.

@rlier23 @ArdainianRight @xianc78 One of square’s best, compared to the square heavy hitters like chrono trigger.

@rlier23 @ArdainianRight I've also heard nothing but praise from Earthbound, but I ended up not liking that game.

@rlier23 @xianc78 I'm sure it is. There's a bit of tension between Nintendo Boomers who jerk off the older Mario RPGs and Earthbound but shit on Xenoblade, which has not endeared me to fans of those games, but I'm sure they're still quality games.
@ArdainianRight @rlier23 @xianc78 Mario RPG is a fine enough game, but very overrated; it was the first attempt to make a game that was both a true Mario experience and a proper RPG, and you can tell that they didn't quite know how to pull that off gracefully. Paper Mario on the N64 was a much better attempt, and its GameCube sequel is the best Mario RPG ever, but even the Mario and Luigi games are generally superior to Mario RPG.
@ArdainianRight @xianc78 It's okay to criticize the SMRPG remake, but please refrain from using words like m*dget or calling certain fans "autistic". Ableism doesn't help anyone.
@ArdainianRight @xianc78 You two are internally ableist. I really see you two stand up for your fellow neurodivergents.

@hachi @ArdainianRight Trannies have contributed more to autistic genocide than Nazi eugenicists and Autism Speaks combined.

@hachi @ArdainianRight @xianc78 you're the one whose abelist, hachi. no one siad that having autism was a bad thing.
@xianc78 I mean that was the style with the original :marisa:
I wish they kept the more claymation look from the OG style, however. And I feel the battle UI looks rather sterile.
@xianc78 Thank you for articulating this. The art style of SMBW really bothers me.
@xianc78 A deformed midget Mario would be fine with a wholly different (but pleasing) style. Perhaps the designs from the Link's Awakening remake might've been a better inspiration for this new Mario RPG.
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