Yeah. I think the whole OceanGate thing was fake. Those people faked their deaths to create a distraction.

@xianc78 It happened, but the navy knew all along that shit imploded and the whole "search and rescue running out of oxygen" was indeed bullshit designed as a distraction.
@xianc78 How fucking retarded are you? Did you not read anything here? The sub implosion happened, the navy knew it happened but fed everyone bullshit about "running out of oxygen." There's no need to invent anything beyond that for your distraction.
@ArdainianRight @xianc78 Don't have to pay taxes if you are "dead". Sub was probably empty.

@CZB @ArdainianRight That's what I'm thinking, but I don't want to get into a heated argument about this.

Unless we've been there ourselves, we don't know for sure.

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@xianc78 @CZB @ArdainianRight how about its undecidable, did you see what happend sir? i didn't think so
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