At the risk of being redundant:

#Meta doesn't care about your posts. Because there is nothing of interest that you could possibly post. You are not interesting for Meta.

#Meta doesn't care about enabling their users to be part of an open network. All they want is hype, marketing and to skim the fallout from Twitter. All they want is their users personal data.

#Meta can never inject ads into your instance or timeline - ergo they are not interested in you.

#Meta cannot even correlate your account to anything in their database.

Meta's release of #Thread is as much of relevance for the Fediverse as a Biden farting in his chair.

@Jojothegoodperson @louis

> Propagandist

I wouldn't say that per se.

> Meta doesn't care about your posts. Because there is nothing of interest that could possibly post. You are not interesting for Meta.

This is accurate.

> Meta doesn't care about enabling their users to be part of an open network. All they want is hype, marketing and to skim the fallout from Twitter. All they want is their users personal data.

Also accurate.

> Meta can never inject ads into your instance or timeline - ergo they are not interested in you.

They could spin up adbot accounts, but they are whitelist-only so they probably won't be delivering posts to any other instances. That is not the only reason they care about random people on the internet.

> Meta cannot even correlate your account to anything in their database.

Probably not accurate. Facebook *invented* the "shadow profile".
@Jojothegoodperson @louis Facebook's attempt to expand their data collection to people that don't use Facebook:

The short version is that they pushed all these little embeds (same thing Twitter does), like you see those "Like us on Facebook" buttons on random websites? Facebook uses those for data collection. So even if you didn't use Facebook, they'd follow you around the web and collect data on you.
@Jojothegoodperson @louis @p they also get people to upload contact address lists so they can "find their friends" - if anyone has your name associated with your phone number and/or email and/or physical address. facebook et all probably have that too
@thatguyoverthere @louis @p
Thank God Facebook doesn't have my future email for college. Anyways, why is Facebook wanting to invade people's privacy when they already have enough money to buy themselves an island? It just doesn't make sense to me.

@Jojothegoodperson @louis @p @thatguyoverthere This is going into conspiracy territory but Facebook is most likely *NOT* a private company that started from someone's dorm, but rather actually a government project with the sole intention of collecting user data. It was never really about the profit motive, it was about government control.

Back in the early 2000s there was a DARPA project known as LifeLog. It's intent was to log people's day to day lives, including their relationships, jobs, purchases, places visit, etc. They planned to do this by various means like using CCTV, GPS data, tracking sites visited, etc. The plan was to use all the data to determine someone's interests, goals, etc.

The project ended THE SAME DAY that Facebook launched. It shouldn't be a coincidence, especially given that Facebook uses the same methods to track both users and non-users. It seems like the US government saw the rise of blogging and early social networking sites like Friendster and MySpace, and saw those as the perfect way to implement their project.

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@xianc78 @louis @p @thatguyoverthere
If that's the case, then answer this. Why doesn't Facebook manipulate the terms of service. Why doesn't Facebook steal other features from tiktok and YouTube to make their website more appealing? Why doesn't Facebook make end to end encryption that are fake to target more users that are politically incorrect. Why did Facebook banned Trump. Hypothetically, if Facebook wanted more users, then they are banning more conservative users, therefore it makes political freedom on the platform unappealing. My guess is that Facebook just wanted to look sexy and hot to advertiser. And to be honest, sorry for rambling on and on, but I think the main reason on why Facebook created the app "Threads" wasnt because of Twitter, it was actually because the younger demographic wasn't using the app Facebook as much as tiktok or Twitter. And I think the second reason on why they created a Twitter clone was to further get into personal political ideologies and personal lives disturbingly.
@xianc78 @louis @p @thatguyoverthere
And while reading this, I just think it's pretty weird that Facebook wants more power than needed. For example, WhatsApp is now owned by Facebook, and I could be wrong, but they're potentially spying on foreigners from other countries. So I think that america still has that toxic imperialistic ideology, but they're not showing it as much.
@Jojothegoodperson @louis @p @xianc78 even if facebook isn't specifically a pentagon product, it is a product of the internet post 9/11 and they definitely share data with the feds, and they can't tell you what or how much is shared (by law).
@thatguyoverthere @louis @p @xianc78
I think that they should tell you, otherwise it would be extremely hypocritical to call america the land of the free. Like let's admit this, america was the main reason on why the French revolution came to be, on why democracy was popularized. But even now, I'm thinking that my country is throwing all of that shit out the window to promote extreme nationalism, even the pledge of allegiance exist which is kind of fascist in my opinion. Sorry if I rambled on too much haha.
@Jojothegoodperson @louis @p @xianc78 The government used 9/11 to vacuum up a lot of power around secrecy and data collection. The PATRIOT Act was meant to be a temporary measure, but as with all temporary government measures, here we are 20 years later with government having access to so much data they can't even find uses for it all.
@Jojothegoodperson @louis @p @xianc78 various information exchange treaties. They help each other break the surveillance laws (lax though they may be) of their respective countries.

@p @louis @Jojothegoodperson @thatguyoverthere Yeah, moving to a different country won't change things. Their parties are most likely controlled by the same shadow orgs that control ours. You are better off living in an unrecognized micronation or something like that. I do have a list of them on my website, but of course you should do your own research.

Though this is just a short-term band-aid solution. I only see hope when people start waking up en-masse and finally replace this current, global, oppressive system with a just and fair one. How will that be done? I don't know, but it's not going to be done through voting, that's for sure.

@xianc78 @louis @Jojothegoodperson @thatguyoverthere

> I only see hope when people start waking up en-masse

Don't hold your breath.
@Jojothegoodperson sometimes I really consider getting a good remote job and fucking off to Spain. @louis @p @xianc78 @thatguyoverthere
@Jojothegoodperson @louis @thatguyoverthere @xianc78

> they're potentially spying on foreigners from other countries

Facebook is, yes.

> So I think that america still has that toxic imperialistic ideology

That's not America, that's Facebook. Look at your remark earlier in that post:

> it's pretty weird that Facebook wants more power than needed.

How much do they think they need? It's not like there's a cap.
@Jojothegoodperson @louis @p @xianc78 It is possible that data collection is now secondary to manipulating the public narrative and coercing "wrong thinkers" into good citizens.
@xianc78 @louis @p @thatguyoverthere
And yeah you could say, "Isn't Facebook already a miscroblogging platform in of itself", I could say yes technically, but only to the older demographic. Oops, I accidentally tried to say that Facebook now has a pedophile ring looking at the younger demographic posts for Malicious intent. I remember looking at Facebook moderator video and it horrified by how much illegal content was on there. Well, technically, I shouldn't be surprised since almost the whole world is on Facebook.

@Jojothegoodperson @louis @p @thatguyoverthere Who isn't to say that other services aren't in on it too? Google has a similar story (I need to find the article again), and it should be common knowledge these alt-tech sites that a lot of right-wingers are flocking to are just honeypots. They literally exist to serve the same purpose. They are still spying on the people that are banned. And this Big Tech censorship on conservatives is just a distraction because both parties are controlled by the same shadow government.

@xianc78 @louis @p @thatguyoverthere
You mean truth social and those websites. I agree with you, because they're only promoting conservative ideology and not developers or coder needed to improve the infrastructure of making your "social network" more privacy or encrypted. I personally think that Google is worse than Facebook in terms of privacy, but let's be for real, Google has huge soft power in the market. How are you tell people about privacy when even the younger demographic is less interested in those things. The government is not telling us all of this because they want to take our freedom away. Like, for example, have you ever heard about the website "Freedom of the world"? The United States has a score of 83, while the united kingdom has 93, which proves that american is slowly disappearing.
@Jojothegoodperson @xianc78 @louis @thatguyoverthere

> Why doesn't Facebook manipulate the terms of service.

They do.

> Why doesn't Facebook steal other features from tiktok and YouTube

They're all already doing that. Tiktok is basically "normie Vine with PRC surveillance", Instagram (owned by Facebook) did the "clips" feature from Vine, Youtube calls it "shorts". They don't mind stealing, they just are careful about what they steal and how the roll it out.

> Why doesn't Facebook steal other features from tiktok and YouTube to make their website more appealing?

Facebook's already confusing, but users drop off if you change things too rapidly.
@p @louis @thatguyoverthere @xianc78
Wait, Peter, I have a question since you're an expert on stuff like this. How did Facebook manipulate it's term of service, wouldn't it be illegal for you to fake certain things on your tos or no? Just asking
@Jojothegoodperson @louis @thatguyoverthere @xianc78

> wouldn't it be illegal for you to fake certain things on your tos or no? Just asking

If they broke their own ToS, it's not illegal, no. It would open them up to liability if you could demonstrate that some harm came out of it and that Facebook did it intentionally. There is a risk that you lose people by violating their trust, but look at what happened with PRISM: you don't actually lose people. At any rate, being misleading isn't the same as outright lying.

@Jojothegoodperson @thatguyoverthere @louis @xianc78 @p As far as banning Trump and others who dissent, Facebook and Twitter did not want to do any of that, really. They only did so after the election of 2016 when the Clinton campaign started blaming them for Trump’s victory. And they blamed social media because they didn’t want to admit that she lost because she’s inherently unlikeable. Same with Russia.

and you're also leaving out the Peter Thiel backing of Facebook ... Peter Thiel was also behind Palantir, a company that sells domestic spying software to dozens of world governments (including the US and Israel). He also provided a significant amount of funding to Rumble.
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