Every time I hear "light pollution" I have no idea what's the big problem. It's all "it's too bright at night, I can't sleep". For the love of God, just put on a blindfold.


@Alex That's the only legitimate problem.

@xianc78 Noise pollution tends to be the bigger issue for me, places with a lot of light pollution also tend to be extremely loud

@Alex I live in the suburbs so none of that is a problem to me. Though, I do live near railroad tracks and there are a lot of passer-bys at night.

@xianc78 @Alex that's the problem I have too. I live in the suburbs as well but you can't see the stars here NEARLY as well as you can out in the wild. It's incredible.

@xianc78 @Alex I have a curtain on my window for the other issue though lol. My room is literally pitch black at night, you can't see your own hand in front of your face.

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