Are there any more libertarians out there I can follow? I want a little bit more pro-liberty stuff in my feed right now.

@KryptoBlok Poast and DRC users bullied them all off the fediverse.

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@xianc78 @KryptoBlok We're still around, but Libertarians don't really have a flagship instance we congregate around (unless you count Liberdon, which for all its good intensions just doesn't have the numbers of a Poast or an Baest).
Part of this is just by nature, you ask five different people who call themselves "Libertarians," what it means to be one and you'll get five different answers.
Just find people who have perspectives you find interesting, or post stuff that makes you laugh; that's the key to enjoying this weird little place we've found ourselves on.
@Indigo @KryptoBlok @xianc78

Retard poasties and drchinks aren't nearly powerful enough to run us off

@Indigo @KryptoBlok I don't know. If feels like this side of the Fediverse has become more of a /pol/-tard echo chamber. And it's hard to make libertarian hot-takes without being dogpiled these days.

@xianc78 @KryptoBlok That's a fair point, we are starting to veer ever closer to "the 8-Chan problem," over here (the idea being that free-speech oriented sites have a habit of attracting people banned off everything else because they have "unacceptable" ideas," and as such, those ideas become the dominant force of that site by nature of density; 8-Chan being the titular example).
I just tend to just roll with it most of the time whenever Poasties call me a LOLbertarian or Lefties call me a fascist or whatever, diffusing the situation with humor helps too. If someone gets genuinely annoying I just stop replying, thread usually dies relatively quickly.
I'm able to maintain fairly friendly mutual relationships with both legit communists and self proclaimed "NatSocs" on here using that technique; it's especially fun when they fight, because then you can watch the chaos unfold on your dash in real time.

@Indigo @KryptoBlok 8chan had /liberty/, /monarchy/, and /leftypol/. It wasn't a complete echo chamber. I was pretty active on 8chan, but I mostly browsed /v/ and /tech/. Of course the NatSoc stuff bled into those boards but it wasn't as prevalent as Poast.

@xianc78 @Indigo @KryptoBlok
>active on /v/ and /tech/
Shit I was probably shitposting in the same threads as you. Also /pol/ was so fucking good on 8ch until after the election. imkamphy's atrocious moderation was so horrid it's a contributing factor to my racism against T*rks.

@Tadano @KryptoBlok @Indigo On /v/, I was mostly on threads related to obscure games, /agdg/ threads (though I never posted any progress), and news threads. Though the latter just became seeing how Luciano and blackpill were going to derail those threads.

@xianc78 @KryptoBlok @Indigo I do not miss those two colossal faggots. They really knew how to unleash total diarrhea across the board. Some of the mockery and OC that came out of it was funny at least. By chance did you participate in the THQNordic Q&A too?

@Tadano @KryptoBlok @Indigo
Luciano was actually a guilty pleasure for me. I even checked his Disqus profile every so often just to see what kind of shit he was saying on OAG.

>did you participate in the THQNordic Q&A too?

I did not. I was busy with other things. I saw the thread, but I think it was over by the time I saw it. I wasn't aware of what THQ Nordic provided at the time. I only knew THQ as the company who made all those Nickelodeon games (I know it was technically a different company, but still).

@xianc78 @KryptoBlok Fair enough, I never spent much time on 8Chan, so I stand corrected.
That's just what I've heard that particular phenomenon called before, it could apply to any free-speech oriented site that becomes an echo chamber for ideas deemed unacceptable by the mainstream.
@xianc78 @KryptoBlok Poastbros tend to he harder on the NS stuff, but DRC is mostly edgy people posting edgy things. I don't see how DRC could run anyone with any thickness of skin off of anything.

@ceo_of_monoeye_dating @KryptoBlok They did dogpile some random libertarian blogger of the fediverse a while back.

@xianc78 @KryptoBlok Depends on what you define as libertarian. As I have given this argument to you many times, there is no other form of Libertarianism that "Paleolibertarianism" since the so called "Progressive Libertarians" ( or as we call them, lolbertarians ) are nothing but progressives posing as "libertarians". Murray Rothbard, the intelectual father of Libertarianism, was very clear that there was no place for neither Hedonism nor the lie of Social Justice in Libertarianism.
If you definition of Libertarians are those who are not "Paleolibertarians" then yes, it is our moral duty to fight them as hard as we can.
@xianc78 @KryptoBlok >Lolbergs don't know how to wield powers their freedom of speech grant them nor do they know how to use tools of association to ignore or purge others from communication.
Color me surprised.
@SuperSnekFriend @KryptoBlok @xianc78 The issue with "left wing libertarians" aka Lolberts is that they live in a perpetual state of cognitive dissonance, they do not understand that you can not sustain the moral benefits of free market capitalism with the cultural rot of progressivism. In the end, the cultural toxicity and moral degeneracy of progressivism ends up making any good outcome of free market capitalism just collapse like a house of cards.
@TheMadPirate @KryptoBlok @xianc78 Notice I didn't specify any branch, brand, or flavor of Libertarianism. You are probably an exception to my observation, but your other Austrian and right-wing libertarian buddies that came here certainly are not.
@SuperSnekFriend @KryptoBlok @xianc78
As a matter of fact, I am not a Libertarian, but a Fusionist, so my political alignment is despised by both hard conservatives and hardcore libertarians.
@SuperSnekFriend @KryptoBlok @xianc78 Fusionist are despised by hardcore libertarians because, besides the fact we are inherent minarchists, we argue that anarchy in any of its forms would only lead to mob rule were the gang with the bigger stick gets to rule. In other words, we see the utopian vision of ancaps as an impossible pipe dream degenerating in a dystopia.
@KryptoBlok @SuperSnekFriend @xianc78 And we can always point out how the Paris Commune ( 1871 ) or the more recent Seattle Autonomous Zone ( 2020 ) turned out ...

@TheMadPirate @KryptoBlok @SuperSnekFriend Minarchism is a pipe dream, unless you have a clear way to prevent any group from subverting your state and forming a shadow government like what has clearly happened to the United State and possibly the rest of the world at this point.

@TheMadPirate @KryptoBlok @SuperSnekFriend I bet there would be government overthrow attempts on a daily basis over the stupidest shit like banning child HRT or passing a new tax. Everyone would try to overthrow the government just so it will serve their interest.

@xianc78 @KryptoBlok @SuperSnekFriend I've never said that there won't be insane nor criminal people among the population. I just said those would probably be selected out in a free gun carry society.
@TheMadPirate @xianc78 @SuperSnekFriend Would you say you agree with this meme?

Lately I've been contemplating the minarchy/anarchy divide, and sometimes I suspect it's a pointless distinction. For example, if I own a piece of land, and create rules there that I enforce (or pay for enforcement) myself, is that a state/government? Alternately, if a "state" has secession rights, is it really a state? What even is a state then anyway?

I could go on forever lol. I guess for now I'll say that I suspect we should abandon the whole anarchy/state distinction and focus on how much freedom of choice/self-government people have in a system/region.

@KryptoBlok @TheMadPirate @SuperSnekFriend Did you make this? I had a hard time looking for Panarchist memes. I'm actually more of a Panarchist myself, but most people don't know what that is, so I generally use "ancap" or "voluntaryist".

@xianc78 @TheMadPirate @SuperSnekFriend Sorry, I found it somewhere on twitter. I've tried to retrace my steps and find out where, but no such luck so far.
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