@lanodan why? Is this rare? Is this a makefile of the era, or whoever uploaded this already gave you to tools to compile it in modern distros?
@coolboymew It's not rare at all it's just very Unix, like I would expect it to be something like a game for SGI workstations (Which N64 is heavily based on though).
And GNU was pretty much the one thing that everyone would slap into any Unix system because of both GNU extensions forcing your hand vendor-locking style and most Unix systems having not-so-great tools by default.

See https://github.com/historicalsource/rushtherock/blob/main/game/makefile

And reading more into it, it's likely the arcade version, R4600 CPU, 1996 dates in changelog indicating a release, …
@coolboymew btw should probably add a warning in the OP: There's no licence so it's effectively still proprietary.
@lanodan might be a leak, but with code this complete, could help someone making a non-legit port
@coolboymew yeah, that's about how it should be treated.
If it would be libre it's the kind of thing I could consider porting.

@lanodan @coolboymew Or you can just say "fuck the law", make an illegal port, and release it anonymously on a Tor hidden service, imageboard, or whatever.

@xianc78 @coolboymew Yeah I could, but that's an annoying burden and means it probably wouldn't be community maintained, unlike the libre games I patched on, some of them having been previously dead.
@xianc78 @coolboymew And it's also much easier to port old games when you're not alone as there's times where you need knowledge of past idioms/APIs that aren't always documented (or documentation got lost).

@lanodan @coolboymew I remember similar, illegal ports being shared on imageboards. It is possible. I've also heard of illegal forks of Windows XP based off of the source code leaks existing.... somewhere.

@xianc78 @coolboymew I'm not saying it's impossible, I'm basically saying I have other fucks to give.
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