Recently, I've been going down the "Free/Infinite energy suppression" rabbit hole. It seems like generating an infinite amount of energy for free is pretty easy, yet this knowledge is being suppressed by governments and corporations. Two of the most well known proponents of free/infinite energy, Stanley Meyer and Eugene Mallove were both apparently murdered, with Stanley being poisoned and Eugene being beaten to death in a supposed house robbery.

Here is a documentary on Stanley Meyer and his water fuel cell. Supposedly, his patents left a few details out which is why nobody has been able to replicate it.


Just thinking about what the world would be like if Stanley Meyer wasn't murdered and his invention caught on.

* No more worrying about rising gas prices or oil shortages
* No more wars over oil
* Nations would be less reliant on other nations for oil
* Secession would be easier (dependency on resources such as oil is one of the many reasons why it almost never happens)

But of course anyone who poses a legitimate threat to an industry that basically has control of the government would be murdered. Hopefully, someone will replicate his invention and it will actually catch on.

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