
Recently, I've been going down the "Free/Infinite energy suppression" rabbit hole. It seems like generating an infinite amount of energy for free is pretty easy, yet this knowledge is being suppressed by governments and corporations. Two of the most well known proponents of free/infinite energy, Stanley Meyer and Eugene Mallove were both apparently murdered, with Stanley being poisoned and Eugene being beaten to death in a supposed house robbery.

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Magnetic energy seems to be the easiest. I actually had a similar idea, but I figured that there must be some reason why it can't be done, but it looks like I was wrong.

This generator in particular uses the potential energy from repealing magnets to generate free and unlimited electricity.

Now here is a free energy generator that is more similar to the one that I had in mind. It uses a wheel of magnets along with stationary magnets at just the right angle that it causes the wheel to spin indefinitely, thus generating unlimited electricity for free.

This is something so simple that an elementary schooler should be able to understand, yet the elites want to keep this hidden from us.

Here's a bigger one using only one stationary magnet with a disc of what seems to be more powerful magnets. The video claims that it can generate 220v of free electricity.

Here is a documentary on Stanley Meyer and his water fuel cell. Supposedly, his patents left a few details out which is why nobody has been able to replicate it.

Just thinking about what the world would be like if Stanley Meyer wasn't murdered and his invention caught on.

* No more worrying about rising gas prices or oil shortages
* No more wars over oil
* Nations would be less reliant on other nations for oil
* Secession would be easier (dependency on resources such as oil is one of the many reasons why it almost never happens)

But of course anyone who poses a legitimate threat to an industry that basically has control of the government would be murdered. Hopefully, someone will replicate his invention and it will actually catch on. I wholeheartedly believe these guys knew something worth keeping suppressed but I'm very skeptical about Free Energy and especially infinite...
That said, you may want to check out
this video about vacuum energy.

When it comes to the suppressed energy technology discussion there really are two major factors
1) Completely novel physics
While I have little faith in academia, I wholeheartedly believe the MIC would take advantage of any and every new technique. I think it's not likely that there are technologies that are "game changers" without retooling many other things as well (thus introducing opportunity costs)

2) Scaling issues
Most of the discussions I've seen about energy harvesting are by people who underestimate the amount of energy they actually need and just get excited about simple zero-cost energy that can't be scaled to more practical applications

do believe that political decisions have influenced the direction and history of the energy sector for a long time, but my approach to these kinds of claims is I want to see it fully open source and replicated.

@gabriel @xianc78 i seem to recall the whole "enough energy to boil the oceans in the space of a cup" thing came from mainline physicists. the only real debatable element is whether these people did in fact figure out a vacuum tap--or more likely were bullshitters. most of them are bullshitters.

there are a couple suggestions that you have to do some really odd shit. very high frequency oscillations or such. i saw someone used one of the formulas used to build circuit sims and it did confirm an over-unity prediction but you had to have very smol things vibrating very quickly for the math to futz.

some less weird things i've seen are suggestions that if you could evacuate electrons from a stator fast enough it would eliminate lenz loss, or something like having each stator with an independent circuit that can be cut off to avoid back-emf screwing with stuff. in those designs they tried to disconnect the circuits so the back-emf would fill in to caps, which is not free energy but it does make the engines significantly efficient (in theory.)

i may have read about some of that stuff back in the day :neocat_woozy:

but yes vacuum tapping is forbidden, as is electrogavitics, you get in to some !fun! issues with those.

@gabriel It's possible that Eugene was killed for other reasons. He also apparently had concepts for interstellar travel that was way ahead of anything NASA has come up with. It kind of reminds me how Da Vinci basically had the concept of a helicopter during the Renaissance.

Anyway I decided to order a copy of Eugene Mallove's book as a Christmas present for my brother. He is currently majoring in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering and I want to expose him to something that might challenge what he is taught at school.

Christmas present for my brother. He is currently majoring in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering and I want to expose him to something that might challenge what he is taught at school.

That sounds awesome! Learning together is always a plus!

@xianc78 That's just an electric motor that doesn't have any torque

@monsterislandcolonizer Check my other posts, I've showed some other ones that seem legit. The one using potential energy from magnets seems pretty cool and I don't know how that one could be faked.

@xianc78 If it were real heavy industry would use it instead of actual electric motors.

@monsterislandcolonizer Unless there is a conspiracy behind it and this knowledge is being suppressed.

@xianc78 A conspiracy by who? The companies making electric motors?
The thing you've shown is an extremely basic and weak electric motor. It was like stop number 2 before people landed on DC motors with a rotating armature.

>A conspiracy by who?
Fossil fuel companies. They don't want people to know that you can easily generate your own electricity. It's the same reason why Stanley Meyer and Eugene Mallove were murdered.

@xianc78 But what you've shown isn't some secret design, it's a basic motor.
@xianc78 The one in the video you posted is only going to be able to generate as much power as the magnets can induce.
2 magnets and some copper wire may be able to power a light bulb, but they'll power little else for very long.


I'll only believe it if someone else builds one of these and can prove that this works.

This makes sense intuitively, but does it actually work?

@Fox I could probably make something similar when my brother comes home.

@xianc78 Sorry if I am answering twice, I thought I posted a reply and it seems to have never posted.

We already have free energy from the stars we do not have to do any work to get to stars constantly emit light to the world we live in

Light is emitted into our world. Plants convert light, water and carbon dioxide into sugar and oxygen. Humans eat the plants and consume oxygen and produce energy, water and carbon dioxide.

Because we are getting the light for free from an outside source the energy is free to us. If the universe is unlimited in volume and mass then places that are hit by light will do work from that light then heat up then cool down and emit light to other places which might result in in eternal perpetual motion.
@xianc78 We already are harnessing it

It is free because the plants get the energy from the sun

Plants are natural solar polar generators

You harness it by putting plants in sunlight water and carbon dioxide then eating plant sugar and breathing out carbon dioxide

The question is how would you put a stop to it

Whenever people use free energy they breath out carbon dioxide

This carbon dioxide is used by plants to create sugar that people use for free energy

So you would put a stop to free energy by outlawing carbon dioxide emission

When people use "fossil fuels" that was excess free energy that was stored. Although we get free energy we only get a finite amount of free energy per time in any one location. Excess free energy is sometimes stored as "fossil fuels" and we can run out of "fossil fuels" temporarily if we use them faster then they are replenished by dying plants and animals converting to "fossil fuels" if that is how "fossil fuels" are really made.

If we want more free energy to be generated we need to plant more plants to convert the sunlight energy into chemical energy inside of sugar

If we want to be able to expend more free energy per time we need to exercise in a proper manner so that our body is capable of a higher metabolic rate of converting that sugar into energy
@xianc78 Free energy does not mean an easy life free from work

Free energy requires a lot of exercise which is painful in the short run but reduces pain in the long run compared to not exercising.

Free energy also requires eating a lot of plants and growing plants which takes work

But it is free because it comes from the sun
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