Recently, I've been going down the "Free/Infinite energy suppression" rabbit hole. It seems like generating an infinite amount of energy for free is pretty easy, yet this knowledge is being suppressed by governments and corporations. Two of the most well known proponents of free/infinite energy, Stanley Meyer and Eugene Mallove were both apparently murdered, with Stanley being poisoned and Eugene being beaten to death in a supposed house robbery.

@xianc78 Sorry if I am answering twice, I thought I posted a reply and it seems to have never posted.

We already have free energy from the stars we do not have to do any work to get to stars constantly emit light to the world we live in

Light is emitted into our world. Plants convert light, water and carbon dioxide into sugar and oxygen. Humans eat the plants and consume oxygen and produce energy, water and carbon dioxide.

Because we are getting the light for free from an outside source the energy is free to us. If the universe is unlimited in volume and mass then places that are hit by light will do work from that light then heat up then cool down and emit light to other places which might result in in eternal perpetual motion.

@shortstories How are you supposed to harness it?

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@xianc78 We already are harnessing it

It is free because the plants get the energy from the sun

Plants are natural solar polar generators

You harness it by putting plants in sunlight water and carbon dioxide then eating plant sugar and breathing out carbon dioxide

The question is how would you put a stop to it

Whenever people use free energy they breath out carbon dioxide

This carbon dioxide is used by plants to create sugar that people use for free energy

So you would put a stop to free energy by outlawing carbon dioxide emission

When people use "fossil fuels" that was excess free energy that was stored. Although we get free energy we only get a finite amount of free energy per time in any one location. Excess free energy is sometimes stored as "fossil fuels" and we can run out of "fossil fuels" temporarily if we use them faster then they are replenished by dying plants and animals converting to "fossil fuels" if that is how "fossil fuels" are really made.

If we want more free energy to be generated we need to plant more plants to convert the sunlight energy into chemical energy inside of sugar

If we want to be able to expend more free energy per time we need to exercise in a proper manner so that our body is capable of a higher metabolic rate of converting that sugar into energy
@xianc78 Free energy does not mean an easy life free from work

Free energy requires a lot of exercise which is painful in the short run but reduces pain in the long run compared to not exercising.

Free energy also requires eating a lot of plants and growing plants which takes work

But it is free because it comes from the sun
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