I learned how easy it is to make a planet terrain generation program. All you really need is a recursive function that marks a tile as "land" and keeps on adding land in all four directions until it hits a random threshold.

Here are some of the planets it was able to make:


Now the generator adds forests (marked as '^') and mountain ranges (marked as '#'), as well as polar ice caps (marked as '*'). I was debating whether the forest or the mountain ranges get the carrot symbol given that it resembles both a mountain and a tree.

I would include deserts, but it would be much trickier since they need to be placed where they make sense.

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I've created a town generator, so I decided to include it with the planet generator, and a planet will have a number of towns (marked as 'X') and a randomly generated layout for each town.

The output for all the towns along with the planet map is way too big to screenshot, but I do have a sample output on Pastebin.


I used the planet generator and town generator to make a solar system generator. It generates a random amount of planets with different climates: Lava, Rock, Forest, Desert, and Ice. The latter three can have towns in them. The former are just barren.

Here is a sample output:


I would also like to include name generation using any of these algorithms, but I also have a game that I'm working on.


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