I'm a little late to this, but I feel the need to mention it because I feel like these people are just going to move to Telegram, if they already haven't.

Telegram is NOT a better alternative to Discord. It asks for your phone number (huge red flag), lies about being end-to-end encrypted (encryption is done server-side), is centralized, and not entirely FOSS (server-side software is closed source). Look into decentralized/self-hosted solutions instead.

I personally recommend hosting an XMPP server. Install an XMPP server stack that supports multi-user-chats and host your discussions there. With XMPP, you can sign up for an account on any server and talk to anyone, including people from other servers. There are even modernized web-clients like Movim which make it more user friendly.

For private/direct messages, you can also end-to-end encrypt them using OMEMO. Just don't use them for public MUCs or you will end up having problems. You really don't need to encrypt a public chat anyway.

If you need help running an XMPP server, Mental Outlaw made a video on it.


Really, even an IRC channel or an AJAX webchat/shoutbox is better than Discord or Telegram.

@xianc78 IRC or bust, xmpp is somehow a disaster when it comes to managing groups easily
@straw @xianc78 @kirby Yeah nah I'm with kirby here, MUCs are a disaster, especially if the group owners insist on using OMEMO for them
@xianc78 @straw @kirby If you have things going on there that you wouldn't want your server admins or other casual interlopers seeing. Credit where credit is due, I think Matrix's implementation of E2EE works a lot better for this than OMEMO MUCs, although to be fair that's kind of a low bar.
@mischievoustomato @straw @xianc78 @allison man if only the mainline server wasnt such a memory hog, id even host it myself if it were ez

@kirby @straw @allison @mischievoustomato That's why 90% of it's users use the main server. It's just the mastodon.social situation all over again.

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@xianc78 @kirby @straw @mischievoustomato You're overlooking the genuinely massive amount of "dark" Matrix servers/userbase but yes overall there is a little bit of a centralizing effect going on there, and in general Matrix servers are much more willing to defed from each other than XMPP ones
@affine @straw @xianc78 @kirby @mischievoustomato Yeah and a lot do because again, much of the userbase is genuinely worse than even those corners of fedi.
@allison @straw @xianc78 @kirby @mischievoustomato But by "defed" do you mean a completely non-federating setup, or a selective blocklist? I thought Matrix can't do the latter?
@affine @straw @xianc78 @kirby @mischievoustomato I think you can only defed at the server level, like if you're matrix.org and you want to block (say) plan9.rocks

@allison @affine @straw @kirby @mischievoustomato Does anyone else feel like this whole "defed culture" is just a psyop by big-tech to make decentralized networks broken and unusable?

@xianc78 @affine @straw @kirby @mischievoustomato Maybe, maybe not. I do think a lot of it is organic but the results certainly don't hurt big tech in terms of the centralizing pressures they end up exerting. (censorship on the big platforms on the other hand, yeah, that's absolutely 100% a psyop)
@xianc78 @allison @affine @straw @kirby @mischievoustomato there was a stated goal about "internet ghettos" but i don't have the papers on hand
@allison @xianc78 @kirby @mischievoustomato yeah matrix has non-federating deployments fucking everywhere even on the clearnet. replaces older forum chatroom methods on many sites. better than web irc or something ig
@allison @kirby @mischievoustomato @xianc78 thought its kinda a pain in the ass like uh have an irc or something i dont wanna have to log in to some different accoutn everytime i wanna hop on the thp chat or smth
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