@xianc78 @djsumdog I mean, if the chances of dying in a plane crash are going up either way I'm a little hesitant to hop in one lol, psy op or not

I've flown a lot over my life and I just hate planes more than anything now. America's TSA is the absolute worst. I've already flown around the world and spent a year backpacking and all that ... I'm glad I've gotten it all out of my system before the scamdemic. Masks and mandatory testing was the nail in the coffin for flying for me.

I still want to do more travelling, but I think it's going to involve a lot more slower driving adventures for the foreseeable future. I live in a big country. There's a lot to see via truck.

@djsumdog @beardalaxy People were able to non-comply out of full-body scanners a decade ago, I'm surprised that nobody thought to do the same with everything else they are implementing.

Though things are going to get worse as many places now require fingerprinting, facial recognition, and soon, digital IDs. It really makes me wish that more people are willing to stand their ground.

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